Miss Ella Fitzgerald & Mr Gordon Jenkins Invite You to Listen and Relax

Miss Ella Fitzgerald & Mr Gordon Jenkins Invite You to Listen and Relax
Miss Ella Fitzgerald & Mr Gordon Jenkins Invite You to Listen and Relax
Publicación 1955
Grabación 27 Abril, 21 Septiembre 1949, 24 Marzo 1954
Duración 44:33
Discográfica Decca
Cronología de

'For Sentimental Reasons

'Miss Ella Fitzgerald & Mr Gordon Jenkins Invite You to Listen and Relax

'Sweet and Hot

Miss Ella Fitzgerald & Mr Gordon Jenkins Invite You to Listen and Relax es una recolección material de la cantante Ella Fitzgerald entre 1949 y 1954,todas las canciones fueron arregladas por Gordon Jenkins.[1]



  1. "I Wished on the Moon" (Dorothy Parker, Ralph Rainger) – 3:08
  2. "Baby" (Robert Colby, Floyd Huddleston) – 2:44
  3. "I Hadn't Anyone Till You" (Ray Noble) – 3:02
  4. "A Man Wrote a Song" (Dave Franklin) – 3:11
  5. "Who's Afraid (Not I, Not I, Not I)" (Doris Tauber, Jack Lawrence) – 2:45
  6. "Happy Talk" (Richard Rodgers, Oscar Hammerstein II) – 2:25
  7. "Black Coffee" (Paul Francis Webster, Sonny Burke) – 3:03
  8. "Lover's Gold" (Morty Nevins, Bob Merrill) – 3:04
  9. "I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outta My Hair" (Rodgers, Hammerstein) – 2:53
  10. "Dream a Little Longer" (Donald Kahn) – 2:59
  11. "I Need" (Ralph Care, Sol Marcus) – 2:40
  12. "Foolish Tears" (Jenny Lou Carson) – 2:57




Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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