
Sencillo de Alanis Morissette
del álbum Feast on Scraps
Formato Sencillo Radial
Género(s) Pop
Duración 4:05
Discográfica Maverick
Autor(es) Alanis Morissette
Productor(es) Alanis Morissette
Cronología de sencillos de Alanis Morissette
«So Unsexy»

"Offer" es una canción de la intérprete canadiense Alanis Morissette, compuesta y producida por ella.

Incialmente iba a ser incluida en su quinto álbum de estudio Under Rug Swept de 2002, pero al ser descartada para este fue incluida posteriormente en el CD del DVD Feast on Scraps lanzado a finales del mismo año. Se convirtió en el segundo sencillo de Feast on Scraps después de "Simple Together". Al igual que este último solo fue un sencillo radial y no contó con un vídeo musical.

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Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • offer — of·fer / ȯ fər/ n 1: a proposal, promise, or other manifestation of willingness to make and fulfill a contract or to bargain under proposed terms with another party that has the power to accept it upon receiving it denied accepting the offer see …   Law dictionary

  • Offer — may refer to: Settlement offer, an offer to end a civil lawsuit out of court Offers, a 2005 Dutch television film Office of Electricity Regulation (OFFER), a forerunner of the current Office of Gas and Electricity Markets in Great Britain In… …   Wikipedia

  • Offer — Of fer, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Offered}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Offering}.] [OE. offren, {AS}. offrian to sacrifice, fr. L. offerre; ob (see {OB }) + ferre to bear, bring. The English word was influenced by F. offrir to offer, of the same origin. See 1st …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • offer — vb Offer, proffer, tender, present, prefer can all mean to lay, set, or put something before another for acceptance. Offer, the most common of these words, frequently implies a putting before one something which may be accepted or rejected {there …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • offer — [ôf′ər, äf′ər] vt. [ME offren < OE & OFr: OE offrian < LL(Ec) offerre, to offer to God, sacrifice; OFr offrir: both < L offerre, to bring before, present, show < ob (see OB ) + ferre, to BEAR1] 1. to present to God or a god in an act… …   English World dictionary

  • Offer — Of fer, n. [Cf. F. offre, fr. offrir to offer, fr. L. offerre. See {Offer}, v. t.] 1. The act of offering, bringing forward, proposing, or bidding; a proffer; a first advance. This offer comes from mercy. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. That which is… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Offer — steht für Wirtschaftsbegriffe: Open Offer, Kaufangebot Self Liquidating Offer Cash Offer, Kapitalerhöhung Offer ist der Familienname von: Avner Offer (*?), britischer Wirtschaftshistoriker Siehe auch: Ofer …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • offer — [n] proposal, suggestion action, attempt, bid, endeavor, essay, feeler*, hit*, overture, pass*, pitch*, presentation, proposition, propoundment, rendition, submission, tender; concepts 66,67,278 Ant. refusal, taking, withdrawal offer [v1] present …   New thesaurus

  • offer — ► VERB 1) present for acceptance, refusal, or consideration. 2) express willingness to do something for someone. 3) provide (access or opportunity). 4) present (a prayer or sacrifice) to a deity. 5) (offer up) place in the desired position for… …   English terms dictionary

  • offer — (izg. ȍfer) m DEFINICIJA bank. cijena ili tečaj po kojoj je vlasnik dionica ili deviza spreman na njihovu prodaju; zahtijevana ili najniža cijena SINTAGMA offer wanted (izg. offer vȍntid) bank. zahtjev potencijalnim prodavateljima vrijednosnih… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

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