

Hugs (Haskell User's Gofer System) es un intérprete bytecode para el lenguaje funcional Haskell. Ofrece compilación rápida y una velocidad de ejecución aceptable. Además, se obtiene con una biblioteca gráfica simple. Hugs es una buena herramienta para toda aquel que está aprendiendo las bases de Haskell, lo cual no implica que sea una "implementación de juguete". Es la más portable y ligera de todas las implementaciones de Haskell.

Hugs es un programa de código abierto que dispone de versiones para los sistemas operativos más difundidos tales como Linux, BSD, Microsoft Windows o Mac OS X.

Enlaces externos

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

Игры ⚽ Поможем сделать НИР

Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Hugs — (Haskell User s Gofer System) (also Hugs 98) is a bytecode interpreter for the functional programming language Haskell. Hugs is the successor to Gofer, and was originally derived from Gofer version 2.30b.cite… …   Wikipedia

  • HUGS — 98 Тип Интерпретатор Разработчик Mark P. Jones и др. Операционная система Кроссплатформенное программное обеспечение Последняя версия September 2006 (21 сентября 2006) Лицензия BSD …   Википедия

  • Hugs — (pour Haskell User s Gofer System, en anglais) est un interpréteur pour le langage de programmation Haskell diffusé sous licence BSD. L implémentation de Hugs ne respecte pas parfaitement la version normalisée du langage Haskell 98. Sommaire 1… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Hugs and Kisses — also known as Love and Kisses is a term for a sequence of the letters X and O , e.g. XOXO , typically to express affection or good friendship at the end of a written letter, email or text message. [cite web | title = Oxford English Dictionary X|… …   Wikipedia

  • Hugs and Hope Foundation for Sick Children — The Hugs and Hope Foundation for Sick Children is a U.S. based tax exempt nonprofit 501(c)(3) charity serving seriously ill, injured, or handicapped children. The organization s web site features photographs and descriptions of these children and …   Wikipedia

  • Hugs and Mugs — Infobox Film name = Hugs and Mugs caption = director = Jules White writer = Clyde Bruckman starring = Moe Howard Larry Fine Shemp Howard Christine McIntyre Nanette Bordeaux Kathleen O Malley Emil Sitka Joe Palma Pat Moran Wally Rose… …   Wikipedia

  • hugs — [akin to Icl hugur] : sense, mind. Deriv. hugjan think, hugds (*) thinking. Comp. afhugjan enchant, andhugjan think, fauragahugjan think before, gahugds mind, ufarhugjan be proud [maybe same as hus] : asset. Deriv. huhjan collect …   Gothic dictionary with etymologies

  • hugs — hÊŒg n. embrace, clasping of the arms around a person or thing v. embrace, hold tightly, wrap the arms tightly around (a person or thing); cling to, cherish (an opinion, belief, etc.) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • hugs — gush …   Anagrams dictionary

  • hugs — present third singular of hug plural of hug …   Useful english dictionary

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