

Marshal es una palabra del idioma inglés que puede referirse a:

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Marshal — steht für: Air Marshal, eine Rangbezeichnung im britischen Militär Earl Marshal, mittelalterlicher Titel des Ritterstands Field Marshal, Armeerang Rail Marshal, Eisenbahnsicherheitspersonal Sky Marshal, Flugsicherheitsbegleiter einen Sportwart… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Marshal — Mar shal, n. [OE. mareschal, OF. mareschal, F. mar[ e]chal, LL. mariscalcus, from OHG. marah scalc (G. marschall); marah horse + scalc servant (akin to AS. scealc, Goth. skalks). F. mar[ e]chal signifies, a marshal, and a farrier. See {Mare}… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • marshal — mar·shal 1 / mär shəl/ n 1: a ministerial officer appointed for each judicial district of the U.S. to execute the process of the courts and perform various duties similar to those of a sheriff 2: a law officer in some cities (as New York) of the… …   Law dictionary

  • marshal — [ marʃal ] n. m. • 1862; mot angl. amér.; angl. marshal (XIIIe), du fr. marescal; cf. maréchal ♦ Anglic. Aux États Unis, Officier de police fédéral dans un comté ou un district fédéral. ⇒aussi shérif. Des marshals. marshal [maʀʃal] n. m …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • marshal — [mär′shəl] n. [ME marescal < OFr mareschal < Frank * marhskalk or OHG marahscalh, lit., horse servant (> ML marescalcus) < marah, horse (akin to OE mearh, horse: see MARE1) + scalh, servant < IE base * sk̑el , to spring] 1. a groom …   English World dictionary

  • Marshal — Mar shal, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Marshaled}or {Marshalled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Marshaling} or {Marshalling}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To dispose in order; to arrange in a suitable manner; as, to marshal troops or an army. [1913 Webster] And marshaling the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • marshal's — marshal s; Marshal s; …   English syllables

  • marshal — (izg. mȃršal) m DEFINICIJA 1. državni službenik SAD a koji provodi sudske odluke (za razliku od šerifa koji ima policijske ovlasti) 2. v. maršal (1,2) ETIMOLOGIJA engl. ← stfr. maréchal ← germ …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • marshal — vb *order, arrange, organize, systematize, methodize Analogous words: array, range, align, *line, line up Contrasted words: derange, disarrange, *disorder, disorganize, unsettle, disturb: *scatter, disperse, dissipate …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • marshal — The verb has inflected forms marshalled, marshalling in BrE, and usually marshaled, marshaling in AmE …   Modern English usage

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