

En las redes de IRC, se llama Takeover a un abuso de poder o ataque por parte de un operador de un canal que consiste en expulsar o someter al resto de usuarios de éste y, habitualmente, prohibirles su entrada posterior.

Esta práctica existe desde los comienzos de las redes de IRC y su nombre significa en inglés apoderarse. Es común que estas acciones se realicen de forma premeditada, de manera que si no se es operador en el canal que se pretende atacar, se intente convencer a un usuario que lo sea para obtener el modo +o y, disponer, por tanto, del poder de quitar el modo o o expulsar al resto.

Actualmente, las redes más populares de IRC poseen sistemas para evitar o mitigar estas prácticas. Por ejemplo, en la red IRC-Hispano los operadores de los canales registrados suelen estar registrados a su vez en la lista de usuarios con privilegios del canal. Así, si se produce un takeover, estos usuarios pueden, con el privilegio adecuado, cambiar algunos modos del canal desde el exterior o entrar automáticamente, recuperando su modo +o.

En la red Undernet, sin embargo, existe un bot especial llamado Chanfix o C, que restablece el orden en los canales no registrados en X tras un ataque de esta índole.

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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  • takeover — take·over / tāk ˌō vər/ n: the acquisition of control or possession (as of a corporation) a hostile takeover Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. takeover …   Law dictionary

  • takeover — ake o*ver n. (Business, Finance) The acquisition of ownership of one company by another company, usually by purchasing a controlling percentage of its stock or by exchanging stock of the purchasing company for that of the purchased company. It is …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • takeover — (n.) 1917, an act of taking over, noun derivative of verbal phrase take over (1884), from TAKE (Cf. take) (v.) + OVER (Cf. over). Attested from 1958 in the corporate sense …   Etymology dictionary

  • takeover — ► NOUN ▪ an act of assuming control of something, especially the buying out of one company by another …   English terms dictionary

  • takeover — [tāk′ō΄vər] n. the act or an instance of assuming control or possession; esp., a) the usurpation of power in a nation, organization, etc. ☆ b) the assumption of ownership or control of a corporation esp. through the acquisition of its stock: Also …   English World dictionary

  • Takeover — General term referring to transfer of control of a firm from one group of shareholder s to another group of shareholders. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * takeover take‧o‧ver [ˈteɪkˌəʊvə ǁ ˌoʊvər] noun [countable] FINANCE the act of… …   Financial and business terms

  • takeover — General term referring to transfer of control of a firm from one group of shareholders to another group of shareholders. Change in the controlling interest of a corporation, either through a friendly acquisition or an unfriendly, hostile , bid. A …   Financial and business terms

  • Takeover — This article is about the business term. For Takeover, see Takeover (disambiguation). For the science fiction series, see Hostile Takeover Trilogy . In business, a takeover is the purchase of one company (the target) by another (the acquirer, or… …   Wikipedia

  • takeover — n. 1) a hostile takeover (of a firm) 2) (misc.) a takeover bid * * * (misc.) a takeover bid a hostile takeover (of a firm) (D;intr.,tr.) to takeover from (the new government has taken over from the outgoing government; we will takeover power from …   Combinatory dictionary

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  • takeover — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ attempted, proposed ▪ hostile ▪ company, corporate ▪ communist, military …   Collocations dictionary

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