USS Cabot

USS Cabot

USS Cabot, ha sido el nombre recibido por tres buques de la Armada de los Estados Unidos en memoria del explorador John Cabot.

  • El bergantín de 14 cañones, adquirido en 1775 y capturado por los británicos en 1777, durante la Guerra de la Independencia de los Estados Unidos.
  • El portaaviones, renombrado Lexington (CV-16) antes de su botadura, el 16 de junio de 1942, .

Referencias externas

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • USS Cabot — Three ships of the United States Navy have been named Cabot , after the explorer John Cabot.* The USS|Cabot|1775, was a 14 gun brig purchased in 1775 and captured by the British in 1777.*The USS|Cabot|CV 16, was renamed Lexington (CV 16) on 16… …   Wikipedia

  • USS Cabot (CVL-28) — USS Cabot. Le USS Cabot (CVL 28) était un porte avions de la marine des États Unis. Il fut actif entre 1943 et 1947 avant de servir pour l entraînement et d être utilisé par l Espagne sous le nom de Dédalo. Sur les autres projets Wikimedia  …   Wikipédia en Français

  • USS Cabot (1943) — «Кэбот» / «Дедало» Cabot / Dedalo «Дедало» в 198 …   Википедия

  • USS Cabot (CVL-28) — The second Cabot (CVL 28) was an . The loan was converted to a sale in 1972. Dedalo was stricken by the Spanish Navy in August 1989 and given to a private organization in the U.S. for conversion to a museum ship. It was designated as a National… …   Wikipedia

  • USS Cabot (1775) — The first USS Cabot of the United States was a 14 gun brig, one of the first ships of the Continental Navy, and the first to be captured in the American Revolutionary War.The brig was purchased in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, during November 1775 …   Wikipedia

  • USS Cabot (CVL-28) — «Кэбот» / «Дедало» Cabot / Dedalo …   Википедия

  • USS Monterey (CVL-26) — USS Monterey 1951 im Golf von Mexiko Geschichte Bestellung 21. März 1942 Kielle …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • USS New Jersey (BB-62) — USS New Jersey (BB 62), ( Big J or Black Dragon ) is an . New Jersey s next war cruise, 13 April–4 May 1944, began and ended at Majuro. She screened the carrier striking force which gave air support to the invasion of Aitape, Tanahmerah Bay and… …   Wikipedia

  • Cabot — may refer to:People* Bruce Cabot, American actor * John Cabot, the famous explorer of North America * Godfrey Lowell Cabot founder of the Cabot Corporation * Meg Cabot, an American author of romantic comedies, well known for her series The… …   Wikipedia

  • Cabot — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Cabot puede hacer referencia a: Contenido 1 Lugares 2 Personas 3 Otros 4 Véase también …   Wikipedia Español

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