

Un webcast es un diseño de transmisión a Internet donde transmite un medio en vivo similar a un programa de televisión o una emisora de radio.

Las aplicaciones clientes de Webcast permiten que un usuario conecte con un servidor, que está distribuyendo (lo cual se diría "which is webcasting (...)" en inglés) el webcast.

Inicialmente, los webcast no eran interactivos, por lo cual el cliente sólo miraba la acción ya grabada, sin poder alterar nada de la historia o los personajes. Si hay un presentador, se usa el webcast como un material de apoyo, junto con la video conferencia para así luego poder distribuir las notas de la presentación junto con el webcast.

Uno de los webcast más notables se realizó en septiembre de 1999 para lanzar NetAid, un proyecto para promover el uso de internet en los países más pobres del mundo.

Enlaces externos

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • webcast — [web′kast΄] n. 〚Web (see WEB, n. 8) + (BROAD)CAST〛 something, as a performance or other public event, transmitted for a large audience over the World Wide Web * * * web·cast (wĕbʹkăst ) n …   Universalium

  • webcast — ► NOUN ▪ a live video broadcast of an event transmitted across the Internet …   English terms dictionary

  • Webcast — [web′kast΄] n. [Web (see WEB, n. 8) + (BROAD)CAST] something, as a performance or other public event, transmitted for a large audience over the World Wide Web …   English World dictionary

  • Webcast — A webcast is a media file distributed over the Internet using streaming media technology. As a broadcast may either be live or recorded, similarly, a webcast may either be distributed live or recorded. Essentially, webcasting is “broadcasting”… …   Wikipedia

  • webcast — ▪ I. webcast web‧cast 1 [ˈwebkɑːst ǁ kæst] noun [countable] COMPUTING an event that is broadcast on the Internet as it is happening: • There will be a live webcast of the total solar eclipse.   [m0] ▪ II. webcast web‧cast 2 verb …   Financial and business terms

  • webcast — UK [ˈwebˌkɑːst] / US [ˈwebˌkæst] noun [countable] Word forms webcast : singular webcast plural webcasts computing a broadcast on the Internet Derived word: webcast UK / US verb intransitive/transitive Word forms webcast : present tense… …   English dictionary

  • Webcast — Ein Webcast ist dem Zweck nach ähnlich einer Radio oder Fernsehsendung, jedoch für das Medium Internet konzipiert und – im Falle eines Live Webcasts – durch die Möglichkeit der Interaktion einer Radio oder Fernsehübertragung auch voraus. Der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • webcast — web|cast1 [ˈwebka:st US kæst] n an event such as a musical performance which you can listen to or watch on the Internet webcast 2 webcast2 past tense and past participle webcast v [I and T] to broadcast an event on the Internet, at the time the… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • webcast — [[t]we̱bkɑːst, kæst[/t]] webcasts also Webcast N COUNT A webcast is an event such as a musical performance which you can listen to or watch on the Internet …   English dictionary

  • webcast — noun Usage: often capitalized Etymology: World Wide Web + broadcast Date: 1995 a transmission of sound and images (as of an event) via the World Wide Web • webcast verb, often capitalized • webcaster noun, often capitalized …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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