Young Turks

Young Turks

"Young Turks" es una canción de 1981 por Rod Stewart su primer aparición en este álbum Tonight I'm Yours. La canción llego al #5 en el Billboard Hot 100 y al #11 en los UK Singles Chart.



La música para la canción fue compuesta por Carmine Appice y el escritor fue Duane Hitchings, siendo rod el ayudante para la letra.[1]

En la cultura popular

La canción aparece en el videojuego Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas en la estación de radio K-DST, en Enjoi el video de Skate Bag of Suck como la canción acompañante de Louie Barletta y en una escena de la película Winners and Sinners.


La canción fue producida por Sintetizadores y un Hi-Hat tocado en una batería. Es notable que el video para Young Turks es el primer video musical de MTV que presentaba un baile Breakdance siendo esto muy innovador para su Tiempo.


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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Young Turks — Young Turks, 1. the members of a group or party impatient with the existing organization and wishing to reform it: »I ve heard some of the Young Turks on your editorial staff talk that way (Esquire). 2. a reformist body of relatively young army… …   Useful english dictionary

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  • Young Turks — Turkish Jöntürkler Coalition of young dissidents who ended the sultanate of the Ottoman Empire. Consisting of college students and dissident soldiers, the group succeeded in 1908 in forcing Abdülhamid II to reinstitute the 1876 constitution and… …   Universalium

  • Young Turks —    The Young Turks began in the 1880s as an enlightened reform movement stirred by the rise of nationalism and the decay of the Ottoman Empire. Originally, they advocated constitutionalism and political freedom for all the inhabitants of the… …   Historical Dictionary of the Kurds

  • Young Turks (song) — Young Turks is a 1981 song by Rod Stewart that first appeared on the Tonight I m Yours album. The song peaked at #5 on US Hot 100 chart and at #11 on the UK Singles Chart. This was the second hit single that drummer Carmine Appice co wrote with… …   Wikipedia

  • Young Turks (disambiguation) — The phrase Young Turks has the following meanings:*Young Turks originally refers to a reform movement in Turkey at the end of the Ottoman Empire. The term has come to refer to a young ambitious, impatient group challenging an older, established… …   Wikipedia

  • Young Turks — group of commanders and officers that engaged in rebellion and revolution against the Turkish government in 1908 …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Young Turks — A name applied to the members of a political party, especially members in Congress or a state legislature, who break away from control of the party by the existing leadership …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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