Christian Exodus

Christian Exodus

Christian Exodus (en español: Éxodo Cristiano) en una grupo secesionista cristiano. Inicialmente, intentaron organizar un movimiento masivo a Carolina del Sur y más tarde a Idaho. Actualmente, su objetivo es juntar a sus miembros en microcomunidades, a través de las redes sociales y animarles a vivir a través de lo que llaman "secesión personal".

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Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Christian Exodus — Type Christian secessionist organization Founded 2003 by Cory Burnell Members 15 families [1] …   Wikipedia

  • Exodus (disambiguation) — Exodus is the second book of the Torah and the Christian Bible. The Exodus is the departure of Hebrew slaves from Egypt under the leadership of Moses as related in the above book.Exodus or The Exodus may also refer to: In modern history*… …   Wikipedia

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  • Exodus Mandate — Exodus Mandate, based in Columbia, South Carolina, USA, is an evangelical Christian effort promoting a mass withdrawal of religious students from the public school system and into evangelical Christian schools or homeschooling. Founded in 1997 by …   Wikipedia

  • Exodus — (Greek: έξοδος, eksodos = departure ) is the second book of the Jewish Torah and of the Christian Old Testament. It tells how Moses leads the Israelites out of Egypt and through the wilderness to the Mountain of God (Mount Sinai). There Yahweh,… …   Wikipedia

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  • Christian vegetarianism — is a minority Christian belief based on effecting the compassionate teachings of Jesus, the twelve apostles and the early church to all living beings through vegetarianism or, ideally, veganism. Alternatively, Christians may be vegetarian for… …   Wikipedia

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  • Exodus International — bezeichnet sich als „größter christlicher Informationsdienst“[1] der Ex Gay Bewegung. Die Organisation vertritt den Standpunkt, dass Menschen nicht homosexuell geboren werden, sondern dass die homosexuelle Ausrichtung durch unbewusste Dinge wie… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Christian X. (Dänemark) — Christian X. von Dänemark Christian X. 1925 Christian X. (* 26. September 1870 in …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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