Just Another Pretty Face

Just Another Pretty Face

Just Another Pretty Face es el decimosépotimo episodio de la segunda temporada de la serie The Munsters donde tras una descarga eléctrica Herman se vuelve un ser humano.


El abuelo reclama trabajar sobre una máquina que causará la paz mundial. Cuando Herman se mueve en el laboratorio de noche y comienza a jugar con la maquina, él es golpeado en la cabeza con un cerrojo de iluminación, causando una desfiguración terrible: él ahora se parece a un ser humano regular. Lily lleva a Herman al Doctor Dudley para preguntar si algo debe ser hecho con la cirugía plástica para ser como antres pero el doctor se niega. El abuelo, que parece completamente haberse olvidado de la paz mundial, cosigue las copias de los planos de Herman (un regalo del Doctor Frankenstein) para ver si él puede aplazar a su yerno.De modo que él se propuso a hacerlo de nuevo para repararlo.


Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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  • face — 1 /feIs/ noun (C) 1 FRONT OF YOUR HEAD the front part of the head from the chin to the forehead: She has such a pretty face. | Bob s face was covered in cuts and bruises. | a sea of faces (=a lot of faces seen together): The Principal looked down …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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  • pretty — I UK [ˈprɪtɪ] / US adverb Word forms pretty : comparative prettier superlative prettiest mainly spoken *** 1) fairly My TV s getting pretty old now. Tom looks pretty tired. 2) very The weather s been pretty awful, hasn t it? pretty good: I can… …   English dictionary

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  • face*/*/*/ — [feɪs] noun [C] I 1) the front part of your head, where your eyes, nose, and mouth are She wiped her face.[/ex] He had a big smile on his face.[/ex] The ball hit me in the face.[/ex] 2) a side of something the mountain s north face[/ex] the faces …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • face — face1 [ feıs ] noun count *** ▸ 1 front of head ▸ 2 mountain/building side ▸ 3 side of coin ▸ 4 way something looks/appears ▸ 5 one flat side of object ▸ 6 front of clock ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) the front part of your head, where your eyes, nose, and… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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