Sending Orbs

Sending Orbs

Sending Orbs es un sello discográfico independiente radicado en Holanda. Fundado en 2004, el sello ha publicado álbumes de IDM de diferentes artistas experimentales como Kettel, quien trabaja en el sello como encargado junto a su hermano Wouter Eising y Kristian Peters. Cada disco incluye artwork exclusivo de Jeroen Advocaat.


  • Blamstrain
  • Funckarma
  • Kettel
  • Legiac
  • Secede
  • Yagya

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Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Sending Orbs — is an independent record label based in the Netherlands. Founded in 2004, the label has released IDM albums from several experimental music artists including Kettel, who runs the label, along with his brother Wouter Eising, and Kristian Peters.… …   Wikipedia

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