HAD fue un cohete sonda australiano de dos etapas basado en los motores Gosling y LAPStar británicos. Se lanzaron 66 HAD en total, entre el 24 de abril de 1961 y el 1 de noviembre de 1966, básicamente en misiones de aeronomía.


  • Apogeo: 130 km
  • Empuje en despegue: 130 kN
  • Masa total: 300 kg
  • Diámetro: 0,26 m
  • Longitud total: 6,1 m


  • Wade, Mark (2008). «HAD» (en inglés). Consultado el 19 de agosto de 2008.

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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  • Had — (h[a^]d), imp. & p. p. of {Have}. [OE. had, hafde, hefde, AS. h[ae]fde.] See {Have}. [1913 Webster] {Had as lief}, {Had rather}, {Had better}, {Had as soon}, etc., with a nominative and followed by the infinitive without to, are well established… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • had — [hæd] adjective be had informal to be tricked: • Skilled counterfeiting led stores to sell goods they thought were the real thing, only to find they d been had. * * * had UK US /hæd/ adjective INFORMAL ● be had Cf …   Financial and business terms

  • hâd — HÂD, HÂDĂ, hâzi, hâde, adj. Foarte urât, slut. – cf. ucr. h y d. Trimis de gall, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98  HÂD adj. v. urât. Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Sinonime  hâd adj …   Dicționar Român

  • Had — can have more than one meaning:* Had (linguistics), the present tense of are * Had, an alternative for Hadit, the Thelemic version of an Egyptian god * Had, an alternative for Tag (game), used primarily in London * Abbreviation for Hole… …   Wikipedia

  • Had — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Marián Had (* 1982), slowakischer Fußballspieler HaD ist die Abkürzung für eine Periode der Hallstattzeit Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • had — hȃd m DEFINICIJA 1. (Had) mit. a. grčki bog podzemnog svijeta, brat Zeusa i Posejdona, s kojima je podijelio vlast nad svijetom b. podzemni svijet koji omeđuje pet rijeka i kamo odlaze duše (sjene) umrlih nakon što im bog Had izrekne presudu 2.… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Hȃd — m 1. {{001f}}mit. a. {{001f}}grčki bog podzemnog svijeta b. {{001f}}podzemni svijet koji omeđuje pet rijeka i kamo odlaze duše (sjene) umrlih nakon što im bog Had izrekne presudu 2. {{001f}}bibl. opći grob čovječanstva; šeol 3. {{001f}}pren.… …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • had — (v.) past tense and pp. of HAVE (Cf. have) (q.v.). You never had it so good (1946) was said to be the stock answer to any complaints about U.S. Army life …   Etymology dictionary

  • Had — (Ras el H), Vorgebirg im Reiche Oman, an der Südostspitze von Arabien …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • had — /had/, v. pt. and pp. of have. * * * …   Universalium

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