

Kostenets es una localidad del sudoeste de Bulgaría, en la provincia de Sofía, a 70 kilómetros de la capital. Es cabeza administrativa del municipio de Kostenets y se encuentra situada a los pies de las montañas Rila. El clima es de tipo continental templado con unas temperaturas que oscilan de los 4,2 °C promedio en enero a los 16,1 °C promedio en julio. La abundancia de manantiales es una de las características de esta región. El balneario de Momin Prohod es un prestigioso centro de rehabilitación y atrae multitud de visitantes. Los balnearios de Villas Kostenets, Pchelinski bani y Kostenets (Villa) se encuentran cercanos a la ciudad.

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  • Kostenets — is a town located in Sofia Province in southwestern Bulgaria, 70 km from Sofia. The town is centre of the Kostenets municipality.The town of Kostenets is situated at the foot of Rila Mountain, about 70 km southeast of Sofia. The town is an… …   Wikipedia

  • Kostenets — Sp Kòstenecas Ap Костенец/Kostenets L V Bulgarija …   Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė

  • Kostenets (disambiguation) — Kostenets may refer to * The town of Kostenets in southwest Bulgaria; * The village of Kostenets in southwest Bulgaria; * The municipality of Kostenets in the Sofia Province of Bulgaria; * The literary form of the slavic name Kosinets of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Kostenets (village) — Kostenets is a village located in Sofia Province in southwestern Bulgaria. As of the 2000 census, the village had a total population of 4,201 which makes it one of the largest villages in Bulgaria.External links*… …   Wikipedia

  • Kostenets (town) — Kostenets ( bg. Костенец) is a town in the Sofia Province, western Bulgaria. As of 2006 it has 9,207 inhabitants. It is centre of the Kostenets municipality and is a stop at the main Sofia Plovdiv railway. There are many mineral springs in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Kostenets (villa) — Entrada de la villa de Kostenets. Kostenets es una villa situada en la Sofía dentro del municipio de Kostenets, en Bulgaria. Conforme al censo de 2000 la villa posee una población de 4.201 habitantes, lo que la convierte en una de las villas más… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Kostenets (municipio) — Municipio de Kostenets. El municipio de Kostenets es uno de los 22 municipios de la Provincia de Sofía (Bulgaria). La capital del municipio es la localidad de Kostenets. Abarca una superficie de 302 km² y cuenta con 14.848 habitantes. Se… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Kostenets municipality — The Kostenets municipality is one of the 22 municipalities of the Sofia Province, Bulgaria. Its territory is 302 km² and has 14,848 inhabitants. It encompasses the Valley of Gorna Banya, along the upper flow of the Maritsa river, surrounded by… …   Wikipedia

  • Constantine of Kostenets — Constantine (or Konstantin) of Kostenets (born c. 1380, died after 1431),[1] also known as Konstantin Kostenechki (Bulgarian: Константин Костенечки) and Constantine the Philosopher (Serbian: Константин Филозоф), was a medieval Bulgarian writer… …   Wikipedia

  • Obshtina Kostenets — Admin ASC 2 Code Orig. name Obshtina Kostenets Country and Admin Code BG.58.SFO25 BG …   World countries Adminstrative division ASC I-II

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