
  • 51Ampere — amperas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. ampere vok. Ampere, n rus. ампер, m pranc. ampère, m …

    Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • 52ampere — amperas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. ampere vok. Ampere, n rus. ампер, m pranc. ampère, m …

    Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • 53ampère — amperas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. ampere vok. Ampere, n rus. ампер, m pranc. ampère, m …

    Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • 54ampere — [19] This international term for a unit of electrical current derives from the name of André Marie Ampère (1775–1836), the French physicist and mathematician. It was officially adopted by the Congrès Électrique in Paris in 1881. Ampère himself is …

    Word origins

  • 55ampere — am·pe·re s.m.inv. TS fis., metrol. nel Sistema Internazionale, unità di misura fondamentale dell intensità di una corrente elettrica (simb. A) {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1892. ETIMO: dal fr. ampère, dal nome del fisico francese A.M. Ampère (1775… …

    Dizionario italiano

  • 56ampere — [[t]æ̱mpeə(r), AM pɪə(r)[/t]] amperes N COUNT An ampere is a unit which is used for measuring electric current. The abbreviation amp is also used. (in AM and sometimes in BRIT, use ampere) …

    English dictionary

  • 57ampere — UK [ˈæmpeə(r)] / US [ˈæmpɪr] noun [countable] Word forms ampere : singular ampere plural amperes physics an amp used for measuring electricity …

    English dictionary

  • 58ampere — noun Etymology: André Marie Ampère Date: 1881 1. the practical meter kilogram second unit of electric current that is equivalent to a flow of one coulomb per second or to the steady current produced by one volt applied across a resistance of one… …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 59ampere — noun a unit of electrical current, the standard base unit in the International System of Units. Abbreviation: amp, Symbol: A Definition: The ampere is that constant current which, if maintained in two straight parallel conductors of infinite… …


  • 60Ampere — Enheden for elektrisk strøm. Forkortes amp og har symbolet A. 1 ampere svarer til den elektriske strømstyrke som af en sølvopløsning udfælder 0,001118 gram i sølv i 1 sekund …

    Danske encyklopædi