


Ringside es una banda californiana de música. La componen Scott Thomas y el actor Balthazar Getty y fusionan indie rock con ritmos electrónicos. Su álbum de debut, Ringside, se publicó en abril de 2005 con la canción "Tired of being sorry", cuyo videoclip fue dirigido por Joaquín Phoenix, y en el que aparecen los actores Dermot Mulroney (como MC), Christian Slater, Casey Affleck, Drew Fuller y Michelle Trachtenberg.


Ringside (2005)

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  • Ringside — is also a weekly boxing series that airs on ESPN Classic .Ringside is an indie rock band from Hollywood, California. The band consists of Scott Thomas and actor Balthazar Getty, who fuse indie rock with electronic beats. Their debut album… …   Wikipedia

  • ringside — ► NOUN ▪ the area beside a boxing ring or circus ring. DERIVATIVES ringsider noun …   English terms dictionary

  • ringside — [riŋ′sīd΄] n. 1. the space or place just outside the ring, as at a boxing match or circus 2. any place that provides a close view of something …   English World dictionary

  • ringside — [[t]rɪ̱ŋsaɪd[/t]] 1) N SING The ringside is the area around the edge of a circus ring, boxing ring, or show jumping ring. Most of the top British trainers were at the ringside. 2) ADJ: ADJ n If you have a ringside seat or a ringside view, you are …   English dictionary

  • ringside — ring|side1 [ rıŋ,saıd ] noun singular the area around the place where people perform in a CIRCUS or fight in a BOXING or WRESTLING match ringside ring|side 2 [ rıŋ,saıd ] adjective near to the place where an event is happening, especially a… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • ringside — I. noun Date: 1866 1. the area just outside a ring especially in which a contest occurs 2. a place from which one may have a close view II. adjective Date: 1896 being at the ringside < a ringside seat > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • ringside — adjective Beside the ring, especially a boxing ring. We got our hands on a pair of ringside tickets for the boxing match. See Also: ringside seat …   Wiktionary

  • ringside — n. at ringside * * * [ rɪŋsaɪd] at ringside …   Combinatory dictionary

  • ringside — I UK [ˈrɪŋˌsaɪd] / US noun [singular] the area around the place where people perform in a circus or fight in a boxing or wrestling match II UK [ˈrɪŋˌsaɪd] / US adjective near to the place where an event is happening, especially a boxing or… …   English dictionary

  • ringside — n. the area immediately beside a boxing ring or circus ring etc. (often attrib.: a ringside seat; a ringside view). Derivatives: ringsider n …   Useful english dictionary

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