SALISH — Groupe de tribus indiennes d’Amérique du Nord qui parlent des langues voisines, appartenant toutes à la famille linguistique salish. Vivant en Colombie britannique, dans le nord de l’État de Washington et de l’Idaho et dans l’ouest du Montana, on … Encyclopédie Universelle
Salish — bezeichnet: den ursprünglichen Namen der Flathead Indianer, siehe Flathead (Volk) eine Sprachgruppe, denen auch die Flathead angehören, sowie einige Untergruppierungen und Einzelsprachen, siehe Salish Sprachen Binnen Salish Küsten Salish Northern … Deutsch Wikipedia
Salish — [sā′lish] n. [Salish sälst, people ] 1. Salish a member of a group of North American Indian peoples of NW North America 2. a) any of the languages of these peoples b) these languages as a group; Salishan adj. of the Salish, their language group,… … English World dictionary
Salish — [ seɪlɪʃ], Gruppe sprachverwandter nordamerikanischer Indianer in British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, Idaho und Montana; gehören kulturell zu den Plateau Indianern (Binnen Salish: Flathead, Spokane, Shuswap u. a.) und den… … Universal-Lexikon
Salish — Salish, Indianervolk, s. Selisch … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Salish — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Salish (homonymie). Les territoires Salish au Canada et aux États Unis Le terme salish (on trouve parfois en français l orthographe « … Wikipédia en Français
Salish — /say lish/, n. a member of any of various North American Indian peoples speaking a Salishan language. [ < Southern Interior Salish séliš Flatheads] * * * ▪ people linguistic grouping of North American Indian tribes speaking related languages and … Universalium
Salish — noun Etymology: Flathead dialect of Interior Salish séliš, a self designation Date: 1831 1. a group of American Indian peoples of British Columbia and the northwestern United States 2. the family of languages spoken by the Salish peoples •… … New Collegiate Dictionary
salish — altselish o salish/alt ► adjetivo sustantivo de género común ETNOGRAFÍA Díc. del individuo perteneciente a un importante conjun to de tribus extendidas por el NO de E.U.A. Los selish levantaban sus casas sobre plataformas y practicaban la… … Enciclopedia Universal
Salish — /ˈseɪlɪʃ/ (say saylish) noun 1. the eponymous Native American people of the Salishan speech stock, formerly living in Montana, often called Flatheads by surrounding peoples. 2. (plural Salish) a member of this people. –adjective 3. of or relating …