


Saturate es el primer album de estudio de Breaking Benjamin. Fue lanzado en agosto del 2002 atraves de Hollywood Records y contiene los sencillos "Polyamorous", "Skin" y "Medicate".

Lista de canciones

  1. "Wish I May" – 3:58
  2. "Medicate" – 3:45
  3. "Polyamorous" – 2:56
  4. "Skin" – 3:20
  5. "Natural Life" – 4:00
  6. "Next to Nothing" – 3:43
  7. "Water" – 4:12
  8. "Home" – 3:37
  9. "Phase" – 4:31
 10. "No Games" – 3:35
 11. "Sugarcoat" – 3:38
 12. "Shallow Bay" – 4:05
 13. "Forever" - 3:55


- "Polyamorous" fue utilizada en videojuegos como Run Like Hell, WWE Day of Reckoning, WWE Smackdown! vs. RAW and WWE Wrestlemania 21. Tambien hay 3 diferentes versiones de esta cancion:la del album, una version que dura 3:02, y una version de 3:04 con un intro instrumental.

- "Home" hace referencia a la película del El Mago de Oz y estuvo en el videojuego Run Like Hell.

- "Natural life" esta dentro de el videojuego MX Unleashed.

- Apesar de las letras explicitas el album no tenia un Parental Advisory (Aviso a los Padres).

- "Wish I May" esta en la banda sonora en la pelicula de terror Wrong Turn.

- De acuerdo a Ben Burnley Shallow Bay fue una de las primeras canciones que escribio.

- En el librete para el album Saturate,"Water" esta listado con una duracion de 3:19, cuando en realida es de 4:12.

- El 05/10/09 en una entrevista en vivo con Ben Burnley en, Ben dijo que todavia hay un secreto sobre este album por encontrar.

Obtenido de "Saturate"

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Saturate — Saturate …   Википедия

  • saturate — sat‧u‧rate [ˈsætʆəreɪt] verb saturate the market MARKETING COMMERCE to offer so much of a product for sale that there is more than people want to buy: • A flood of cheap Italian tomatoes has almost saturated the market. • Smaller banks are… …   Financial and business terms

  • Saturate — Sat u*rate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Saturated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Saturating}.] [L. saturatus, p. p. of saturare to saturate, fr. satur full of food, sated. See {Satire}.] 1. To cause to become completely penetrated, impregnated, or soaked; to fill… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Saturate — can mean:* Saturate (album), an album by Breaking Benjamin * Saturation (chemistry), in chemistry, the state of a solution in which no more solute can be dissolved * Saturate (graph theory), in mathematics * Saturate, a song by The Chemical… …   Wikipedia

  • Saturate — Album par Gojira Sortie 1999 Enregistrement Studio UHT Durée 17:34 Genre Death metal Producteur Gojira …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Saturate — Sat u*rate, p. a. [L. saturatus, p. p.] Filled to repletion; saturated; soaked. [1913 Webster] Dries his feathers saturate with dew. Cowper. [1913 Webster] The sand beneath our feet is saturate With blood of martyrs. Longfellow. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • saturate — [sach′ə rāt΄; ] for adj., usually [, sach′ərit] vt. saturated, saturating [< L saturatus, pp. of saturare, to fill up, saturate < satur, full; akin to satis: see SAD] 1. to cause to be thoroughly soaked, imbued, or penetrated 2. to cause… …   English World dictionary

  • saturate — index imbue, inject, inundate, overload, penetrate, permeate, pervade, replenish Burton s Legal Thesaurus …   Law dictionary

  • săturate — săturáte s. n. pl. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic …   Dicționar Român

  • saturate — (v.) 1530s, to satisfy, satiate, from L. saturatus, pp. of saturare to fill full, sate, drench, from satur sated, full, from PIE root *sa to satisfy (see SAD (Cf. sad)). Meaning soak thoroughly first recorded 1756. Marketing sense first recorded… …   Etymology dictionary

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