

En el sector de los videojuegos, second-party es aquella desarrolladora que sin ser una subsidiaria de una empresa dueña de alguna videoconsola del mercado, crea sus videojuegos exclusivamente para una de estas plataformas. La empresas dueñas de las videoconsolas del mercado suelen tener cierta participación en estas desarrolladoras, aunque sin llegar a controlarlas como propiedades. También puede ser que esta exclusividad se deba a tratos que hayan firmado entre la empresa y la desarrolladora.

De todas formas este término no es oficial, como lo son first-party y third-party. Este término se usa para describir a aquellas empresas que no entran dentro de las otras definiciones, pues su estado es una mezcla de ambos: no son propiedad de otra empresa (igual que una third-party), pero sólo desarrollan videojuegos para una o más consolas específicas pertenecientes a una determinada empresa (como una first-party).

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Second Party Logistics — Service Provider sind Logistikdienstleister, die dem zweiten Bereich der Logistikwirtschaft (Second Party Logistics) angehören. Sie sind auf die Übernahme von klassischen logistischen Aufgaben, sogenannten Transports , Umschlags und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Second-party conformity assessment activity — conformity assessment activity that is performed by the person or organization that has a user interest in the object (p. 2.3 ISO/IEC 17000:2004). Источник …   Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации

  • Second Party System — The Second Party System is a term of periodization used by historians and political scientists to name the political system existing in the United States from about 1837 to 1852. The system was characterized by rapidly rising levels of voter… …   Wikipedia

  • Second-party developer — In the video game industry, a second party developer is a developer who, while being a separate entity from any console manufacturer, is tied to a specific one usually through contract or partial ownership and makes games specifically for that… …   Wikipedia

  • Second Party Logistics Service Provider — Logistikdienstleister sind gewerbliche Unternehmen, die hauptsächlich logistische Dienstleistungen für Dritte anbieten und erbringen. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Klassifikation 2 Entwicklung der Logistikdienstleister 2.1 First Party Logistics Service… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Party system — A party system is a concept in comparative political science concerning the system of government by political parties. The idea is that political parties control the government, have a stable base of mass popular support, and create internal… …   Wikipedia

  • Party (disambiguation) — A party is a social gathering primarily for celebration and recreation. Party may also refer to an individual person, or group of individuals:*Party (pronoun), used to identify a grammatical person: ** First party pronoun, such as we ** Second… …   Wikipedia

  • party of the second part — noun a) The party to a legal dispute against whom a complaint was initially raised in a court. b) The second party named in a contract, generally the party to whom a duty is initially owed, and who is obligated to perform in response to the… …   Wiktionary

  • Second Sino-Japanese War — Part of the Pacific War of World War II (from 1941) …   Wikipedia

  • Second Life — Developer(s) Linden Research, Inc Engine Proprietary …   Wikipedia

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