

Seventeendiecisiete» en inglés) puede referirse a:

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Seventeen — usually refers to 17 (number). It may also mean:In media and entertainment: * at17, a Hong Kong cantopop band * Seventeen , a teen magazine whose target audience is teenage girls * Seventeen (musical) , a 1951 Broadway musical based on the Booth… …   Wikipedia

  • SEVENTEEN — is a British contemporary art gallery started in 2005. The gallery is based on East London s Kingsland Road [ [ Seventeen Gallery ] ] and shows emerging and established contemporary artists. This… …   Wikipedia

  • Seventeen — Pays  États Unis Langue Anglais Périodicité Mensuel Genre Presse féminine …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Seventeen — (Варшава,Польша) Категория отеля: Адрес: ul. Bajońska 13, Прага Южная, 03 963 Варшава, По …   Каталог отелей

  • Seventeen — Sev en*teen , n. 1. The number greater by one than sixteen; the sum of ten and seven; seventeen units or objects. [1913 Webster] 2. A symbol denoting seventeen units, as 17, or xvii. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Seventeen — Sev en*teen , a. [OE. seventene, AS. seofont[=y]ne, i. e., seven ten. Cf. {Seventy}.] One more than sixteen; ten and seven added; as, seventeen years. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Seventeen — a US magazine for ↑teenage girls, containing pictures and articles about fashion, health, popular music, boys, etc, and answers to readers questions about personal problems. In the UK there is a similar magazine called ↑J 17 …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • seventeen — O.E. seofontyne; see SEVEN (Cf. seven) + TEEN (Cf. teen) …   Etymology dictionary

  • seventeen — ► CARDINAL NUMBER ▪ one more than sixteen; 17. (Roman numeral: xvii or XVII.) DERIVATIVES seventeenth adjective & noun …   English terms dictionary

  • seventeen — [sev′ən tēn′] adj. [ME seventene < OE seofentyne: see SEVEN & TEEN] totaling seven more than ten n. the cardinal number between sixteen and eighteen; 17; XVII …   English World dictionary

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