The Egoist

The Egoist
Cabecera del periódico en 1914

La publicación The Egoist fue un magazine literario anarcoindividualista de Londres editado desde 1914 hasta 1919. Fundado por Dora Marsden como sucesor de The New Freewoman, otro periódico suyo. Llevaba por subtítulo An Individualist Review.

Sus colaboradores más destacados serían el escritor y poeta irlandés James Joyce y el poeta y ensayista anglo-norteamericano T. S. Eliot.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • The Egoist (novel) — The Egoist is a tragicomical novel by George Meredith published in 1879.The novel recounts the story of self absorbed Sir Willoughby Patterne and his attempts at marriage; jilted by his first bride to be, he vacillates between the sentimental… …   Wikipedia

  • The Egoist (periodical) — The subtitle was An Individualist Review .Marsden was the editor in the first half of 1914, when it was a fortnightly. For most of its life it was a monthly. Editorship was then taken over by Harriet Shaw Weaver. Assistant editors were Richard… …   Wikipedia

  • Egoist — may refer to:*egoist, someone with a philosophical self involvement amounting to egoism (who may or may not be an egotist, i.e. a person with the trait of selfishness) * The Egoist (novel) , a novel from 1879 by George Meredith * The Egoist… …   Wikipedia

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  • The Ego and Its Own — Infobox Book name = The Ego and Its Own title orig = Der Einzige und sein Eigentum translator = Steven T. Byington image caption = Cover of the 1993 Rebel Press edition author = Max Stirner illustrator = cover artist = Clifford Harper country =… …   Wikipedia

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  • egoist — 1785, in metaphysics, “one who maintains there is no evidence of the existence of anything but the self” (taking ego in a sense of “thinking subject”), from Fr. égoiste (1755); see EGO (Cf. ego) + IST (Cf. ist). Meaning “selfish… …   Etymology dictionary

  • egoist — [ē′gōist, eg′ōist] n. [Fr égoïste < L ego: see I2] 1. a person who is self centered or selfish 2. a conceited person; egotist 3. a person who accepts the doctrine of egoism …   English World dictionary

  • The 1 in 12 Club — refers to both a members club and the building in which it is based, in Bradford, West Yorkshire, England. Owned and run by its membership as a collective based upon anarchist principles, its activities include social and political campaigning,… …   Wikipedia

  • The False Principle of our Education — or Humanism and Realism is an article written by Max Stirner and published in the Rheinische Zeitung in April 1842. Stirner begins by stressing the importance of education: the school question is a life question. He then sketches a brief history… …   Wikipedia

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