USS Milwaukee

USS Milwaukee

USS Milwaukee ha sido el nombre recibido por cuatro buques de la Armada de los Estados Unidos en honor a la ciudad de Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

  • crucero de clase St. Louis dado de alta en el año 1906 y de baja en 1917.
  • soviética con el nombre de Murmansk, fue devuelto a los Estados Unidos y desguazado en 1949.
  • petrolero de flota de clase
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  • USS Milwaukee (CL-5) — was an Omaha class light cruiser in the United States Navy. She was the third Navy ship named for the city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Late in World War II, she was temporarily transferred to the Soviet Navy and commissioned as Murmansk . Milwaukee… …   Wikipedia

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  • USS Milwaukee (1864) — The first USS Milwaukee , a double turreted river monitor, was launched by James B. Eads at Carondelet, MO, 4 February 1864; and commissioned at Mound City, IL, 27 August 1864, Acting Volunteer Lieutenant James W. Magune in command.The new… …   Wikipedia

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  • Milwaukee (disambiguation) — Milwaukee is the largest city in the U.S. state of Wisconsin. Milwaukee may also refer to: United States Milwaukee County, Wisconsin Milwaukee (town), Wisconsin, a former town Milwaukie, Oregon, named after the city in Wisconsin Other uses: Roman …   Wikipedia

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