USS New Hampshire

USS New Hampshire

USS New Hampshire ha sido el nombre recibido por cuatro buques (uno no completado) de la Armada de los Estados Unidos en honor a New Hampshire.

  • El primer cañones autorizados por el Congreso en 1816, pero que no fue botado hasta 1864, cuando ya resultaba obsoleto, por lo que solo pudo servir de almacén y para entrenamiento, posterioemente, ardió en un incendio accidental en 1921. El New Hampshire fue renombrado Granite State el 30 de noviembre de 1904, para dejar su nombre libre al BB-25.
  • El Segundo acorazado de clase 1908, y vendido para desguace en 1923.
  • El tercer quilla, hubiese sido puesta en grada.
  • El cuarto submarino nuclear de ataque de
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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • USS New Hampshire (BB-25) — USS New Hampshire Die USS New Hampshire (Dezember 1918) p1 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • USS New Hampshire (BB-70) — was to be a sclass|Montana|battleship in the United States Navy, however she was canceled before her keel was laid. She was to be named in honor of the ninth state.She was authorized 19 July 1940, and assigned to the New York Navy Yard.… …   Wikipedia

  • USS New Hampshire — Three ships of the United States Navy have borne the name New Hampshire , after New Hampshire, as well as another that was never completed.*The first USS|New Hampshire|1864|2 was one of the nine ships to rate not less than 74 guns each authorized …   Wikipedia

  • USS New Hampshire — Vier Schiffe der United States Navy trugen den Namen USS New Hampshire: USS New Hampshire (1864) USS New Hampshire (BB 25), ein Schlachtschiff der Connecticut Klasse, in Dienst von 1908 bis 1921 USS New Hampshire (BB 70), ein Schlachtschiff der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • USS New Hampshire (BB-25) — The second United States Navy New Hampshire (BB 25) was a Sclass|Connecticut|battleship. New Hampshire was the last American pre dreadnought battleship, though she was commissioned two years after HMS Dreadnought. She was laid down 1 May 1905 by… …   Wikipedia

  • USS New Hampshire (1864) — was a heavy (2,633 ton) ship originally designed to be the 74 gun ship of the line Alabama , but she remained on the stocks for nearly forty years, well into the age of steam, before being renamed and launched as a storeship and depot ship during …   Wikipedia

  • USS New Hampshire (SSN-778) — USS New Hampshire (SSN 778), a Virginia class nuclear powered attack submarine, is the fourth ship of the United States Navy to be named for the state of New Hampshire (though one of her predecessors, BB 70, existed only on paper authorized, but… …   Wikipedia

  • USS New Hampshire (SSN-778) — USS New Hampshire …   Wikipédia en Français

  • USS New Hampshire (SSN-778) — Die New Hampshire vor ihrer Taufe in der Werft Geschichte …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • USS New Hampshire (SSN-778) — SSN 778 Нью Хэмпшир USS New Hampshire (SSN 778) …   Википедия

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