


Attune Systems, Inc.
Tipo Privada
Sede Santa Clara, California
Industria Manejo de información
Productos Maestro File Manager FM5500
Sitio web

Attune Systems Inc. es una compañía de manejo de redes de datos con sede en Santa Clara, California. Attune Systems es considerada la única solución independiente para el manejo de redes de archivos (también conocida como virtualización de archivos), basada en el sistema operativo Windows. El administrador maestro de archivos de Attune está diseñado para reducir la complejidad del almacenamiento y manejo de archivos en entornos empresariales, al mismo tiempo que busca reduir costos e incrementar la escalabilidad. El dispositivo es una aplicación tipo virtualización de archivos, que ayuda a los administradores de redes IT a descubrir, analizar, manejar y optimizar sus recursos existentes de almacenamiento de datos, sin que ello impacte en el usuario final.

Attune Systems

Obtenido de "Attune"

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Attune — At*tune , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Attuned}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Attuning}.] [Pref. ad + tune.] [1913 Webster] 1. To tune or put in tune; to make melodious; to adjust, as one sound or musical instrument to another; as, to attune the voice to a harp.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • attune — I verb acclimatize, accommodate, accord, adapt, adjust, attemper, be harmonious, blend, bring into accord, bring into agreement, fit for a purpose, harmonize, make accordant, make adjustments, make agree, readapt, readjust, rectify, regulate,… …   Law dictionary

  • attune — 1590s, from TUNE (Cf. tune), probably suggested by ATONE [OED]. Attunement a bringing into harmony is recorded from 1866 …   Etymology dictionary

  • attune — tune, *harmonize Analogous words: *adapt, adjust, accommodate, reconcile, conform: accord, *agree, harmonize: temper (see MODERATE): balance, counterbalance, *compensate Contrasted words: alienate, *estrange, wean …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • attune — [v] adjust acclimatize, accommodate, accord, accustom, adapt, balance, compensate, conform, coordinate, counterbalance, familiarize, harmonize, integrate, make agree, proportion, reconcile, regulate, tune; concept 232 …   New thesaurus

  • attune — ► VERB ▪ adjust or accustom to a particular situation …   English terms dictionary

  • attune — [ə to͞on′, ətyo͞on′] vt. attuned, attuning [< AD + TUNE] 1. to tune 2. to bring into harmony or agreement [old methods not attuned to the times] …   English World dictionary

  • attune — v. (D; refl., tr.) to attune to (you will have to attune your ears to this type of music) * * * [ə tjuːn] (D;refl.,tr.) to attune to (you will have to attune your ears to this type of music) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • attune — transitive verb Date: 1596 1. to bring into harmony ; tune 2. to make aware or responsive < attune businesses to changing trends > • attunement noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • attune — verb Attune is used with these nouns as the object: ↑ear …   Collocations dictionary

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