William Brown

William Brown

William Brown puede hacer referencia a:

  • William Hill Brown (17651793), novelista estadounidense.
  • William George Browne (17681813), explorador inglés.
  • William Brown, conocido como Guillermo Brown (17771857), nacido en Irlanda, fue el primer almirante de la fuerza naval Argentina.
  • William B. Ide (1796-1852) , militar de la República de California.
  • William D. Brown, (18131868), fundador de la ciudad de Omaha, en Nebraska.
  • William Henry Brown (1884-1939), botánico estadounidense.
  • William Brown (botánico) (1888-1975), botánico inglés.
  • Willie Brown (músico) (19001952), guitarrista y vocalista de blues en el estilo Delta Blues.
  • Willie Brown (fútbol americano) (nacido en 1940), jugador estadounidense de fútbol americano.
  • William Brown (personaje ficticio), niño de edad escolar, personaje de la saga Guillermo el travieso (Just William) de Richmal Crompton.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • William Brown — (or Browne) may refer to (some of whom were also called Bill ): Politicians, jurists, and diplomats*William Brown (congressman) (1779 ndash;1833), U.S. Representative from Kentucky, 1819 ndash;1821 *William J. Brown (Indiana) (1805 ndash;1857), U …   Wikipedia

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  • William brown (marin) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir William Brown et Almirante Brown. William Brown père de la marine argentine William Brown connu aussi sous le nom de Guillermo Brown est né à …   Wikipédia en Français

  • William Brown (sailor) — William Brown (birth name unknown) was reputed to be a Black person, born female, who joined the Royal Navy as a man. The story goes that Brown was born in Edinburgh, joined in 1804 and served until 1816, even after Brown s birth sex was… …   Wikipedia

  • William Brown (fictional boy) — William Brown is a fictional character in the Just William series, written by Richmal Crompton and first seen in the book Just William . William is inquisitive, bold, and extremely naughty. In an interview with Richmal Crompton, it is revealed… …   Wikipedia

  • William Brown Street — in Liverpool, England is a road that gives its name to the William Brown Street conservation area. It is remarkable for its concentration of public buildings.Originally known as Shaw s Brow , a coaching road east from the city, it is named after… …   Wikipedia

  • William Brown Turei — (1924 ) is the Pihopa o Aotearoa (Bishop of Aotearoa), and the Primate and Archbishop of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia. As a result of the 2006 synod, moves are in place for the primacy to be shared with David Moxon,… …   Wikipedia

  • William Brown (soldier) — William Brown (1759 ndash;1808) was a soldier for the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. He was born in Stamford and enlisted in the 5th Connecticut Regiment as a corporal on May 23, 1775, and re enlisted as a private on… …   Wikipedia

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