Radio señal 13-80
Localización Torreón, Coahuila
Frecuencia 1380 kHz en AM
Primera emisión ¿?
Formato Música Contemporánea de 1960 a actual
Potencia 1,000 watts
Indicativo XERS-AM
Propietario Coahuilteca Medios / Grupo Radiorama
Sitio web Coahuilteca Medios

XERS-AM es una estación de radio localizada en Torreón, Coahuila, México.

Transmite en los 1380 kHz de la banda de Onda Media (Amplitud Modulada) con 1,000 watts de potencia .

Actualmente se le conoce como Radio Señal 13-80.




Amantes del Rock and Roll: Programa dedicado a la música de los '60. Se transmite de lunes a viernes de 4 a 5 de la tarde, bajo la conducción de Filiberto Pérez García.


- Filiberto Pérez García

- Laura Velasco

Formatos de la emisora

Estos son algunos de los formatos con los que se ha conocido a esta emisora:

  • La Divertida
  • Tu Recuerdo
  • Radio Sinfonía
  • Radio Sensación
  • Romántica 13-80
  • Amor 13-80
  • Romántica 13-80
  • Radio Señal

Enlaces externos

Transmisión en vivo de Romántica 1380

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Xers — members of the so called X generation …   Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games

  • Generation Xers — ➡ Generation X * * * …   Universalium

  • Kim Joo-Sung (basketball) — Kim Joo Sung (Hangeul: 김주성; November 9 1979 born in U 2 dong, Haeundae gu, Busan) is a South Korean basketball player, whose position is Centre forward.His current team is Dongbu Promy of Wonju and back number is Thirty two, whose salary for a… …   Wikipedia

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  • generation xer — ˌˈeksər noun (plural generation xers) Usage: usually capitalized G&X : a member of a generation designated X (as the generation of Americans born in the 1960s and 1970s) * * * Generation Xˈer noun A member of Generation X • • • Main Entry:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Generation X — is a term used to describe generations in the United States and other countries born between the approximate years of 1965 to 1981, [http://www.time.com/time/arts/article/0,8599,1731528,00.html Gen X: The Ignored Generation? TIME ] ] the late… …   Wikipedia

  • Generation Y — Millennial redirects here. For the concept Millennialism, see Millennialism. This article is about the demographic cohort (a group of subjects with a common defining characteristic) following Generation X. For other uses, see Generation Y… …   Wikipedia

  • Generation Jones — is a term that describes people in certain English speaking countries born between the years 1954 and 1965. American social commentator Jonathan Pontell identified this generation and coined the term to name it.… …   Wikipedia

  • TG Sambo — or TG Sambo Computer Co, Ltd. (ko hhrm|hangul=티지삼보컴퓨터) is a Korean computer manufacturer headquartered in Seoul, South Korea. The TG Sambo is Korea s first computer manufacturer. It competes directly with IBM and EPSON.History*1980 established as …   Wikipedia

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