Australian Silky Terrier

Australian Silky Terrier
Australian Silky Terrier
Australian Silky Terrier
Nombres alternativos
País de origen
Bandera de AustraliaAustralia
Clasificación y estándar de la raza

El Terrier australiano o Australian Silky Terrier es un perro terrier originario de Australia.


Aspecto y tamaño

Su aspecto es muy parecido a de un Yorkshire Terrier, Su manto de pelo es de color azulado y leonado de textura suave, liso y largo. Requiere cepillado y mantenimiento constante. Un terrier debe medir aproximadamente de 23 a 25 cm a la cruz y debe pesar entre 3.6 y 8 kilos, aunque las medidas pueden variar entre las diferentes federaciones.

Funciones y personalidad

Fue usado como perro ratonero aunque actualmente su principal función es la de ser perro de compañía, ya que se adapta sin ningún problema a la vida en casas o apartamentos. Se lleva muy bien con las personas que lo respetan y cuidan. Puede causar problemas con otros perros porque a pesar de su diminuta talla suelen tener genio vivo. No es apropiado para vivir con otras mascotas más pequeñas. Agradece que se le lleve a pasear. Viven un promedio de 15 años.


  • History, Origins and Development of the Australian Silky Terrier George Holmes. One of several essays appearing in Australian Made: Australian Breeds Feature, privately published, mid-1990.
  • New Zealand Kennel Club, Australian Silky Terrier
  • Australian National Kennel Council, Australian Silky Terrier
  • Clark, Anne Rogers; Andrew H. Brace (1995). The International Encyclopedia of Dogs. Howell Book House. pp. 419. ISBN 0-87605-624-9.
  • Silky Terrier, American Kennel Club
  • History of the Silky Terrier, Australian Silky Terrier Club of Great Britain
  • Fédération Cynologique Internationale Australian Silky Terrier breed standard

Enlaces externos

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Australian Silky Terrier — FCI Standard Nr. 236 Gruppe 3 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Australian Silky Terrier — The Australian Silky Terrier is an Australian breed of dog. It is classed in the Toy group in its country of origin and some other countries, but is classed as a terrier in Europe. Characteristics Appearance The average Australian Silky Terrier… …   Wikipedia

  • Australian silky terrier — noun a small, lightly built dog of medium length with erect ears and a long, silky, blue or grey blue coat with tan markings. Also, Sydney silky …  

  • silky terrier — noun Australian breed of toy dogs having a silky blue coat • Syn: ↑Sydney silky • Hypernyms: ↑terrier * * * noun also silky ( es) : a low set toy terrier that weighs 8 to 10 poun …   Useful english dictionary

  • silky terrier — one of an Australian breed of toy dogs having a long, silky, blue coat with tan markings and erect ears, a topknot, and a docked tail. Also called Sydney silky. [1955 60] * * * ▪ breed of dog       Australian breed of toy dog, first shown in 1907 …   Universalium

  • silky terrier — noun Date: 1959 any of a breed of low set toy terriers of Australian origin that have a flat silky glossy coat colored blue with tan on the head, chest, and legs called also silky …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • silky terrier — silk′y ter′rier n. dch one of an Australian breed of toy dogs with a long, silky blue coat with tan markings, and a topknot • Etymology: 1955–60 …   From formal English to slang

  • Silky — means having a smooth, silk like texture.Silky may also refer to:* Silkie, a variety of chicken believed to have originated in eastern Asia * Australian Silky Terrier …   Wikipedia

  • Terrier — Airedale Terrier American Pit Bull Terrier …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • silky — I. /ˈsɪlki/ (say silkee) adjective (silkier, silkiest) 1. of or like silk; lustrous; smooth. 2. Botany covered with fine, soft, closely set hairs, as a leaf; sericeous. {silk + y1} –silkily, adverb –silkiness, noun II …  

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