
Álbum en directo de Delirious?
Publicación 30 de noviembre de 2002
Grabación Varias Locaciones
Género(s) Rock
Discográfica Furious?
Cronología de Delirious?
World Service

Access:D, es el tercer álbum en vivo de la banda británica de Rock Delirious?. Fue grabado entre junio, septiembre y octubre de 2002 durante el tour de la banda "FireTour", que incluyo varios países como: Canadá, Estados Unidos, Nueva Zelanda, South África y parte del Reino Unido. El álbum fue lanzado el 30 de noviembre de 2002[1] en una edición especial en estuche metálico.


Lista de Canciones


  1. "Access:D (Pt. 01) (Touch)"
  2. "Deeper"
  3. "God's Romance"
  4. "My Glorious"
  5. "Access:D (Pt. 02) (Blindfold)"
  6. "Love Is The Compass"
  7. "Touch"
  8. "Access:D (Pt. 03) (Rain Down)"
  9. "Follow"
  10. "Happy Song"
  11. "Heaven"
  12. "History Maker"


  1. "Bliss"
  2. "Show Me Heaven"
  3. "Sanctify"
  4. "I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever"
  5. "Take Me Away"
  6. "Fire"
  7. "Everything"
  8. "King Of Fools"
  9. "Jesus' Blood"
  10. "Hang On To You"
  11. "Access:D (Pt. 04) (If We'd Ask)"
  12. "Access:D (Pt. 05) (Dance In The River)"
  13. "Access:D (Pt. 04) (Lord You Have My Heart)"
  14. "Investigate"


Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • access — ac·cess / ak ˌses/ n often attrib 1: permission, liberty, or ability to enter, approach, communicate with, or pass to and from a place, thing, or person public access to federal land access to the courts 2: opportunity for sexual intercourse 3: a …   Law dictionary

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  • access — access, accession 1. as nouns. The two words are hardly at all interchangeable: accession means arrival or admission, whereas access means the opportunity of arriving or of admission. Accordingly, accession to the throne means becoming sovereign …   Modern English usage

  • Access 5 — is a national project sponsored by NASA and industry with participation by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and United States Department of Defense (DoD) to introduce high altitude long endurance (HALE) remotely operated aircraft (ROA)… …   Wikipedia

  • access — [ak′ses΄] n. [ME & OFr acces < L accessus, pp. of accedere, ACCEDE] 1. the act of coming toward or near to; approach 2. a way or means of approaching, getting, using, etc. 3. the right to enter, approach, or use; admittance 4. increase or… …   English World dictionary

  • access — ► NOUN 1) the means or opportunity to approach or enter a place. 2) the right or opportunity to use something or see someone. 3) retrieval of information stored in a computer s memory. 4) an attack or outburst of an emotion: an access of rage. ►… …   English terms dictionary

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