Cool Papa Bell

Cool Papa Bell

James Thomas "Cool Papa" Bell (17 de mayo de 1903 - 7 de marzo de 1991), fue un jardinero central estadounidense en las Ligas Negras, considerado por muchos observadores de béisbol como uno de los hombres más rápidos en jugar el juego. Fue elegido al Salón de la Fama del Béisbol en 1974.


"Cool Papa" Bell murió en su hogar en St. Louis|Missouri a los 87 años de edad. En su honor, la ciudad renombró la ciudad Dickson Street como "James 'Cool Papa' Bell Avenue".


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  • Cool Papa Bell — For other people named James Bell, see James Bell (disambiguation). James Cool Papa Bell Born: May 17, 1903(1903 05 17) Starkville, Mississippi …   Wikipedia

  • Cool Papa Bell — Champ extérieur Frappeur ambidextre  Lanceur gaucher …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Bell, Cool Papa — orig. James Thomas Bell born May 17, 1903, Starkville, Miss., U.S. died March 7, 1991, St. Louis, Mo. U.S. baseball player. Bell was a switch hitting outfielder for most of his career. Playing primarily in the Negro leagues, he is said to have… …   Universalium

  • Bell, Cool Papa — orig. James Thomas Bell (17 may. 1903, Starkville, Miss., EE.UU.–7 mar. 1991, St. Louis, Mo.). Beisbolista estadounidense. Bell fue un jardinero (defensa) ambidextro durante la mayor parte de su carrera. Jugó primero en las Ligas Negras y se dice …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Cool Papa — James Bell (baseball) …   Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games

  • Bell (surname) — Bell is a surname, and may refer to many people.Family name name=BellA* Acton Bell, pseudonym of Anne Brontë * Adrian Bell, British farmer writer, father of Martin Bell * Alexander Graham Bell (1847 1922), inventor * Alexander Melville Bell,… …   Wikipedia

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  • Bell,James Thomas — Bell, James Thomas. Known as “Cool Papa.” 1903 1991. American baseball player who spent his entire career in the Negro Leagues (1922 1950). Considered by many to be the fastest base runner ever, he reportedly stole 175 bases in 200 games in 1933 …   Universalium

  • bell — bell1 bell less, adj. /bel/, n. 1. a hollow instrument of cast metal, typically cup shaped with a flaring mouth, suspended from the vertex and rung by the strokes of a clapper, hammer, or the like. 2. the stroke or sound of such an instrument: We …   Universalium

  • Bell — /bel/, n. 1. Acton /ak teuhn/, pen name of Anne Brontë. 2. Alexander Graham, 1847 1922, U.S. scientist, born in Scotland: inventor of the telephone. 3. (Arthur) Clive (Howard), 1881 1964, English critic of literature and art. 4. Currer /kerr… …   Universalium

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