
ma'ah de Judea de 0,58 gr de peso, con un halcón o un águila e inscripción en arameo "יהד" "Yehud" (Judea)

Gerah (del hebreo grano "גרה") es una antigua unidad de peso de la que se servían los hebreos para la fabricación de moneda. Correspondía a 16 gramos de cebada, la vigésima parte de un siclo, equivalente a 0, 679872 gr.

Esta moneda era denominada en arameo ma'ah "מעה" (pl. ma'ot "מעות", que significa "dinero"). Originalmente era una quinta parte de un denario o siclo, tal como puede observarse en el Éxodo “20 gerah son un shekel”, posteriormente se convirtió en la sexta parte de una dinar.


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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • gerah — GERÁH, gerahi, s.m. (Turcism înv.) Chirurg. – Din tc. cerrăh. Trimis de gall, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98  GERÁH s. v. chirurg. Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Sinonime  geráh s. m., pl. geráhi …   Dicționar Român

  • Gerah — Ge rah, n. [Heb. g?rah, lit., a bean.] (Jewish Antiq.) A small coin and weight; 1 20th of a shekel. [1913 Webster] Note: The silver gerah is supposed to have been worth about three cents; the gold about fifty four cents; the weight equivalent to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Gerah — Gerah, alte hebräische Münze, so v.w. Agorah …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • gerah — [gē′rə] n. [Heb gera, lit., a bean] an ancient Hebrew coin and weight equal to 1/ 20 of a shekel …   English World dictionary

  • Gerah — Obverse of a Judean silver Yehud coin from the Persian era (.58 gram), with falcon or eagle and Aramaic inscription יהד Yehud (Judaea). Denomination is a ma ah A gerah Hebrew גרה is an ancient Hebrew unit of weight and currency. One gerah is one… …   Wikipedia

  • gerah — noun Etymology: Hebrew gērāh Date: 1530 an ancient Hebrew unit of weight equal to 1/20 shekel …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • gerah — /gee reuh/, n. an ancient Hebrew weight and coin, equal to 1/20 of a shekel. [1525 35; < Heb gerah < Akkadian giru] * * * …   Universalium

  • gerah — ge•rah [[t]ˈgi rə[/t]] n. num an ancient Hebrew weight and coin, equal to 1/20 of a shekel • Etymology: 1525–35; < Heb gērāh < Akkadian girū …   From formal English to slang

  • gerah — noun an ancient Hebrew unit of weight and currency equal to one twentieth of a shekel …   Wiktionary

  • Gerah —    A bean, probably of the carob tree, the smallest weight, and also the smallest piece of money, among the Hebrews, equal to the twentieth part of a shekel (Ex. 30:13; Lev. 27:25; Num. 3:47). This word came into use in the same way as our word… …   Easton's Bible Dictionary

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