Harry Austryn Wolfson

Harry Austryn Wolfson

Harry Austryn Wolfson (Astryna en Belarus, 2 de noviembre de 1887Cambridge (Massachusetts), 20 de setiembre de 1974) fue un erudito, filósofo e historiador de la Universitdad de Harvard, el primer presidente del Centro de Estudios Judaicos de los Estados Unidos.


  • Crescas' Critique of Aristotle: Problems of Aristotle's Physics in Jewish and Arabic philosophy (1929)
  • The Philosophy of Spinoza: Unfolding the Latent Processes of His Reasoning, Harvard University Press (1934/1962)
  • Philo: Foundations of Religious Philosophy in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, Harvard University Press (1947)
  • The Philosophy of the Church Fathers: Volume I Faith Trinity, Incarnation, Harvard University Press (1956)
  • The Philosophy of the Kalam, Harvard University Press (1976)
  • Repercussions of the Kalam in Jewish philosophy, Harvard University Press (1979)

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  • Harry Austryn Wolfson — (* 2. November 1887 in Astryna / jiddisch Ostrin in Litauen / heute Weißrussland; † 20. September 1974 in Cambridge, Massachusetts) zählte zu den bedeutendsten Philosophiehistorikern des 20. Jahrhunderts. Er lehrte an der Harvard University, wo… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Harry Austryn Wolfson — (November 2, 1887–September 20, 1974) was a scholar, philosopher, and historian at Harvard University, the first chairman of a Judaic Studies Department in the United States. He is best known for his seminal work on the Jewish philosopher Philo,… …   Wikipedia

  • Harry A. Wolfson — Harry Austryn Wolfson (* 2. November 1887 in Ostrin, Litauen; † 20. September 1974 in Cambridge, Massachusetts) zählte zu den bedeutendsten Philosophiehistorikern des 20. Jahrhunderts. Er lehrte an der Harvard University, wo er die Fakultät für… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Wolfson, Harry Austryn — (1887 1974)    American historian of philosophy. He was born in Belorussia, and emigrated to the US in 1903. In 1925 he became professor of Hebrew literature and philosophy at Harvard University. His publications include studies of Hasdai Crescas …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

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