- IC3
IC3 - Catalan Institute of Climate Sciences
Wikimedia foundation. 2010.
Wikimedia foundation. 2010.
IC3 — на гамбургском главном вокзале IC3 Датский комфортабельный дизель поезд для сообщений на средние и дальние расстояния по Европе. Эта модель начала эксплуатироваться с 1989 года. «IC3» это сокращение от слов «three carriage InterCity trainset», то … Википедия
IC3 — steht für: DSB IC3, dänischer Dieseltriebzug. Cashback Preisvergleichportal. Die Buchstaben stehen für Internet Computer und die Zahl für 3 Welten. Internet Crime Complaint Center, amerikanische Arbeitsgruppe, die sich mit Cyberkriminalität… … Deutsch Wikipedia
IC3 — The IC3 (or class MF) is a Danish built high comfort medium/long distance diesel multiple unit train. The sets were built by ABB Scandia (later purchased by Adtranz, which itself was subsequently acquired by Bombardier Transportation). This train … Wikipedia
IC3 (disambiguation) — IC3 may mean:* IC3 , a Danish built train * IC3 , the Internet Crime Complaint Center run by the FBI and NW3C. * IC3 , the Internet and Computing Core Certification *I C3 (In Cell Charge Control) is a type of NiMH battery patented by Rayovac *an… … Wikipedia
IC3 certification — IC³ (pronounced I C three and often spelled without the superscripted 3) is the abbreviation and registered trademark of the Internet and Computing Core Certification. The IC³ is a certification program that is designed to teach individuals the… … Wikipedia
IC3 — integrated command, control, and communications … Military dictionary
IC3 — Bitmap graphics (Atari Image) (Computing » File Extensions) … Abbreviations dictionary
IC3 (certification) — Internet and Computing Core Certification (IC³) is a qualification delivered and overseen by Certiport. The qualification itself consists of three individual exams, all of which must be taken and passed with a 45 minute time limit for each exam.… … Wikipedia
DSB IC3 — Hersteller: ABB Scandia Baujahr(e): 1989 1997[1] Achsformel: (1A)+(A1)+(1A)+(A1) … Deutsch Wikipedia
InterCity (Ungarn) — IC3 Wagen der MÁV Der InterCity (Kurzform: IC) in Ungarn ist eine international verwendete Zuggattung. Die ungarische Eisenbahn MÁV betreibt InterCity Züge auf verschiedenen Linien von und nach bzw. über Budapest, auch im internationalen Verkehr … Deutsch Wikipedia