

Jeremiah es una serie de historietas franco-belga creada por Hermann Huppen en 1979.



La serie se ambienta en un futuro post-apocalíptico en el que las luchas raciales han desgarrado Estados Unidos. Jeremiah y su amigo Kurdy intentan hallar su lugar en este nuevo mundo.

Trayectoria editorial

La serie fue creada en 1979 para la revista alemana Zack y apareció también Métal Hurlant y Spirou. Actualmente, hay 28 álbumes editados en francés y holandés:

Título Publicación original publicación en álbum, Bélgica publicación en España
La nuit des rapaces
(La noche de los rapaces)
T1, Fleurus, 04/1979 Ediciones Junior, 1980[1]
Du sable plein les dents
(Por un puñado de arena)
T2, Fleurus, 10/1979 Ediciones Junior, 1980[1]
Les héritiers sauvages
(Los herederos salvajes)
T3, Fleurus, 01/1980 Ediciones Junior, 1981[1]
Les yeux de fer rouge
(Ojos de fuego)
T4, Fleurus, 07/1980 Ediciones Junior, 1981[1]
Un cobaye pour l'éternité
(Una cobaya para la eternidad)
T5, Novedi/Hachette, 05/1981 Ediciones Junior, 1982[1]
La Secte
(La secta)
T6, Novedi/Hachette, 02/1982 Ediciones Junior, 1983[1]
T7, Novedi/Hachette, 09/1982 Ediciones Junior, 1986[1]
Les eaux de la colère
(Las aguas de la ira)
T8, 04/1983 Ediciones Junior, 1986[1]
Un hiver de clown
(El invierno del payaso)
T9, Novedi/Hachette, 11/1983 Ediciones Junior, 1987[1]
Boomerang T10, Novedi/Hachette, 10/1984 Ediciones Junior, 1988[1]
Delta T11, Novedi/Hachette, 10/1985 Ediciones Junior, 1988[1]
Julius et Roméa
(Julius et Romea)
T12, Novedi/Hachette, 10/1986 Ediciones Junior, 1989[1]
Strike T13, Dupuis, 05/1988 Ediciones Junior, 1990[1]
Simon est de retour
(Simón ha vuelto)
T14, Dupuis, 09/1989 Ediciones Junior, 1991[1]
Alex T15, Dupuis, 12/09/1990 Ediciones Junior, 1991[1]
La ligne rouge
(La línea roja)
T16, Dupuis, 07/10/1992 Ediciones Junior, 1991[1]
Trois motos... ou quatre T17, Dupuis, 02/02/1994
Ave Caesar T18, Dupuis, 31/05/1995
Zone frontière T19, Dupuis, 10/04/1996
T20, v 03/09/1997 Dolmen Editorial, 2003[1]
Le cousin Lindford T21, Dupuis, 10/1998
Le fusil dans l'eau T22, Dupuis, 07/03/2001
Qui est Renard Bleu ? T23, Dupuis, 06/03/2002
Le dernier diamant T24, Dupuis, 02/04/2003
Et si un jour, la terre... T25, Dupuis, 04/2004
Un port dans l'ombre T26, Dupuis, 10/2005
Elise et la rue
(Elise y la calle)
T27, Dupuis, 01/2007 Dolmen Editorial, 2007[1]
Esra va très bien T28, Dupuis, 01/2008
Le petit chat est mort T29, Dupuis, 01/2010


  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n ñ o p q Fernández (05/2007), pp. 91 a 92.


  • FERNÁNDEZ, Norman (05/2007). Hermann, la pasión de narrar. Colección Viñetas # 2. Palma de Mallorca: Dolmen Editorial. Depósito Legal: B-30314-2007. ISBN: 978-84-96706-40-8. 

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • JEREMIAH — (Heb. והּ ָירִי ְמ) second of the major prophets whose book is the second in the Latter Prophets section of the Bible. This entry is arranged according to the following outline: in the bible the life and message of jeremiah beginnings of prophecy …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Jeremiah — 1 Jeremiah 2 Jeremiah 3 Jeremiah 4 Jeremiah 5 Jeremiah 6 Jeremiah 7 Jeremiah 8 Jeremiah 9 Jeremiah 10 Jeremiah 11 Jeremiah 12 …   The King James version of the Bible

  • Jeremiah — (Hebrew Name|יִרְמְיָהוּ| Yirməyāhū frequently misspelled as Yirmiyahu Jehovah will raise |) IPA2| jir.mɛ ; Septuagint Greek: Ἰερεμίας) was one of the greater prophets of the Hebrew Bible. He was the son of Hilkiah, a priest of Anathoth.His …   Wikipedia

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  • Jeremiah — m Biblical name (meaning ‘appointed by God’ in Hebrew) borne by the great Hebrew prophet of the 7th–6th centuries BC, whose story, prophecies of judgement, and lamentations are recorded in the book of the Bible that bears his name. The Book of… …   First names dictionary

  • Jeremiah — masc. proper name, O.T. prophet (see JEREMIAD (Cf. jeremiad)) who flourished c.626 586 B.C.E., from L.L. Jeremias, from Heb. Yirmeyah, probably lit. may Jehovah exalt, but Klein suggests it also might be short for Yirmeyahu the Lord casts, the… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Jeremiah — [jer΄ə mi′ə] n. [LL(Ec) Jeremias < Gr(Ec) Hieremias < Heb yirmeyāh, lit., the Lord loosens (i.e., from the womb)] 1. a masculine name: dim. Jerry; var. Jeremy 2. Bible a) a Hebrew prophet of the 7th and 6th cent. B.C. b) the book containing …   English World dictionary

  • Jeremiah — Jeremian, Jeremianic /jer euh muy an ik/, adj. /jer euh muy euh/, n. 1. a Major Prophet of the 6th and 7th centuries B.C. 2. a book of the Bible bearing his name. Abbr.: Jer. 3. a male given name: from a Hebrew word meaning God is high. * * *… …   Universalium

  • Jeremiah 38 — 1 Then Shephatiah the son of Mattan, and Gedaliah the son of Pashur, and Jucal the son of Shelemiah, and Pashur the son of Malchiah, heard the words that Jeremiah had spoken unto all the people, saying, 2 Thus saith the LORD, He that remaineth in …   The King James version of the Bible

  • Jeremiah 37 — 1 And king Zedekiah the son of Josiah reigned instead of Coniah the son of Jehoiakim, whom Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon made king in the land of Judah. 2 But neither he, nor his servants, nor the people of the land, did hearken unto the words… …   The King James version of the Bible

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