Little Italy — es un barrio en Manhattan, Nueva York, alguna vez conocido por su gran población de inmigrantes Italianos. Antiguamente el barrio incluía las calles Elizabeth, Mott y Mulberry al norte de la calle Canal, así como el área circundante. A medida que … Enciclopedia Universal
Little Italy — (Дюнкерк,Франция) Категория отеля: Адрес: 51 avenue Kléber, 59240 Дюнкерк, Франция … Каталог отелей
Little Italy — See also: List of Italian American neighborhoods Little Italy is a general name for an ethnic enclave populated primarily by Italians or people of Italian ancestry, usually in an urban neighborhood.List of Little ItalysCanada*Little Italy,… … Wikipedia
Little Italy — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Little Italy fait généralement référence au nom de différents quartiers italiens à travers le monde … Wikipédia en Français
little italy — noun (plural little italies) Usage: usually capitalized L&I : a quarter or section (as in a city) populated chiefly by Italian immigrants or by persons of Italian descent * * * Little Italy [Little Italy] the Italian district of New York City. It … Useful english dictionary
Little Italy — Unter Little Italy versteht man in den USA die Ansiedlung von Menschen italienischer Herkunft, die sich meistens in eigenen Stadtvierteln gruppieren. Berühmte Stadtviertel sind: Little Italy (New York City) in New York City Little Italy (Chicago) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Little Italy — the Italian district of New York City. It is on the Lower East Side of Manhattan(1), and Mulberry Street is its lively centre. Little Italy is popular with tourists, especially for its many restaurants. The Feast of San Gennaro is celebrated on… … Universalium
Little Italy, San Diego, California — Little Italy is a neighborhood in Downtown San Diego, California that was originally a predominately Italian fishing neighborhood. It has since been gentrified and now Little Italy is a scenic neighborhood composed mostly of Italian restaurants,… … Wikipedia
Little Italy, Chicago — Little Italy is located in the Near West Side community area of the city of Chicago, Illinois. It encompasses a 12 block stretch of Taylor Street east of Ashland Avenue and the streets to the north and south for several blocks in each direction.… … Wikipedia
Little Italy, Toronto — Little Italy Neighbourhood … Wikipedia