


Según las palabras del propio creador del témino bacn son notificaciones que quieres. Pero no ahora. Hace referencia a todo email, que aun siendo correo solicitado, se recibe de forma masiva o en momentos inoportunos. Se engloban dentro de esta categoría a las notifiaciones de respuestas en foros o advertencias de páginas en las que estás subscrito.

Bacn (pronunciado en inglés /beikn/, posibles castellanizaciones beicon, bacón) es una evolución del término spam y fue acuñado por Andy Quayle, Tommy Vallier y Jesse Hambley en el Podcamp Pitssburgh en agosto de 2007.

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Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • BACN — may be:*An acronym for Battlefield Airborne Communications Node *Bacn: A term used for e mail that you may have subscribed to (as opposed to spam) that you don t necessarily read and/or delete …   Wikipedia

  • bacn — (BAY.kun) n. Non personal, non spam email messages that you have signed up for, but do not necessarily want or have time to read. Also: BACN, bacon. Example Citations: The smart labels feature essentially focuses on bacn, that brand of e mail… …   New words

  • bacn — /ˈbeɪkən/ (say baykuhn) noun electronic messages that are not unsolicited, coming as they do from a service to which the receiver has subscribed, but are of such little interest that they are rarely read. {a contraction of bacon, from the notion… …  

  • Bacn (electronic) — Bacn (pronounced bacon) is the term given to electronic messages which have been subscribed to and are therefore not unsolicited but are often unread by the recipient for a long period of time, if at all. Bacn has been described as email you want …   Wikipedia

  • bacn — noun electronic messages which have been subscribed to, and are therefore not unsolicited (such as news alerts, messages from social networking sites and wiki watch lists), but are not personal messages …   Wiktionary

  • Battlefield Airborne Communications Node (BACN) — The Battlefield Airborne Communications Node ( BACN ) is a military prototype for a remotely accessed, high altitude, and tactically oriented communications and networking node intended for use on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Initiated in December… …   Wikipedia

  • E-mail spam — E mail spam, also known as bulk e mail or junk e mail, is a subset of spam that involves nearly identical messages sent to numerous recipients by e mail. A common synonym for spam is unsolicited bulk e mail (UBE). Definitions of spam usually… …   Wikipedia

  • Email spam — An email box folder filled with spam messages. Email spam, also known as junk email or unsolicited bulk email (UBE), is a subset of spam that involves nearly identical messages sent to numerous recipients by email. Definitions of spam usually… …   Wikipedia

  • Christian naturism — Baptism of Jesus, Bordone, Giotto 1276 1336 Christian naturists are Christians found in most branches and denominations of Christianity who practice naturism or nudism. They find no conflict between the teachings of the Bible and living their… …   Wikipedia

  • Bombardier Global — Bombardier Global …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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