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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • NFC — may refer to: Nagacorp FC, a Cambodian sporting club National Finance Center, a division of the United States Department of Agriculture National Football Conference, a constituent conference of the National Football League National Freight… …   Wikipedia

  • NFC — ist die Abkürzung für: National Football Conference, bei American Football Near Field Communication, eine drahtlose Kommunikationstechnologie No Further Comment, dt. Keines weiteren Kommentars würdig Not From Concentrate, dt. Nicht aus Konzentrat …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • NFC — может означать: Near Field Communication  технология беспроводной связи. Nintendo Family Computer (или Nintendo Famicom) название игровой консоли NES в Японии. Национальная футбольная конференция. Новостное интернет издание «News1… …   Википедия

  • NFC — National Footbal Conference a group of teams that is part of the ↑NFL, the →↑AFC …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • NFC — service mark for abbrev. National Football Conference …   English World dictionary

  • NFC — National Football Conference. * * * NFC (no periods) or N.F.C., National Football Conference. * * * abbr. ■ National Finance Center ■ National Football Conference * * * abbr US National Football Conference ◇ The NFC and the AFC make up the NFL. * …   Useful english dictionary

  • NFC — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.   Sigles d’une seule lettre   Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres    …   Wikipédia en Français

  • NFC North — Conference National Football Conference League National Football League Sport American Football Founded 1954 No. of teams 4 Most recent champion(s) …   Wikipedia

  • NFC West — Conference National Football Conference League National Football League Sport American Football Founded 1967 No. of teams 4 Most recent champion(s) …   Wikipedia

  • NFC East — Conference National Football Conference League National Football League Sport American Football Founded 1967 No. of teams 4 Most recent champion(s) …   Wikipedia

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