- Nemertodermatida
Clasificación científica Reino: Animalia Filo: Nemertodermatida Nemertodermatida es un filo perteneciente al reino animal es que está dividido en dos familias.
Ascopariidae - Nemertodermatidae
- Jiménez-Guri, E.; Paps, J.; García-Fernández, J.; Saló, E. 2006: Hox and ParaHox genes in Nemertodermatida, a basal bilaterian clade. International journal of developmental biology, 50: 675-679. doi 10.1387/ijdb.062167ej
- Johns, P. et al. 2009: 5. Phylum Platyhelminthes: flatworms, tapeworms, flukes. Pp. 102-128 in: Gordon, D.P. (ed.) New Zealand inventory of biodiversity. Volume 1. Kingdom Animalia. Radiata, Lophotrochozoa, Deuterostomia. Canterbury University Press, Christchurch, New Zealand. ISBN 9781877257728
- Jondelius, U.; Ruiz-Trillo, I.; Baguñà, J.; Riutort, M. 2002: The Nemertodermatida are basal bilaterians and not members of the Platyhelminthes. Zoologica scripta, 31: 201-215. doi 10.1046/j.1463-6409.2002.00090.x
- Lundin, K. 2000: Phylogeny of the Nemertodermatida (Acoelomorpha, Platyhelminthes). A cladistic analysis. Zoologica scripta, 29: 65-74. doi 10.1046/j.1463-6409.2000.00028.x
- Sterrer, W. 1998: New and known Nemertodermatida (Platyhelminthes, Acoelomorpha). A revision. Belgian Journal of zoology, 128: 55-92.
- Wallberg, A.; Curini-Galletti, M.; Ahmadzadeh, A.; Jondelius, U. 2007: Dismissal of Acoelomorpha: Acoela and Nemertodermatida are separate early bilaterian clades. Zoologica scripta, 36: 509-523. doi 10.1111/j.1463-6409.2007.00295.x
Enlaces externos
- WoRMS (2010). Nemertodermatida. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species on 2010-10-16
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