

Shaft puede referirse a:

En ficción:

  • La novela de 1971 escrita por Ernest Tidyman y que trata sobre un detective privado negro:
    • Shaft (1971), una película basada en la novela.
    • Shaft vuelve a Harlem, la segunda película de la trilogía.
    • Shaft en Africa, la tercera película de la trilogía.
    • Shaft (2000), una película en otra línea temporal que salió en 2000.
    • John Shaft, el personaje principal de la serie.


  • Shaft (comics), un personaje ninja de Marvel Comics.
  • Drive Shaft, una banda de rock ficticia de la serie de televisión Lost.
  • Un arma en la serie de videojuegos Quake.
  • Shaft (estudio), un estudio de animación japonés.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Shaft — can refer to: Edwin Shaft WhiteLong narrow passages: * Edwin White * Elevator shaft * Ventilation shaft * Pitch (vertical space), a significant underground vertical space in caving terminology * Shaft mining * Shafting, illicit travelling through …   Wikipedia

  • Shaft — Shaft, n. [OE. shaft, schaft, AS. sceaft; akin to D. schacht, OHG. scaft, G. schaft, Dan. & Sw. skaft handle, haft, Icel. skapt, and probably to L. scapus, Gr. ????, ????, a staff. Probably originally, a shaven or smoothed rod. Cf. {Scape},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Shaft — [ʃæft] bezeichnet: Shaft (Buch), einen Roman von Ernest Tidyman Shaft (Film), Literaturverfilmung aus dem Jahre 1971 Shaft – Liebesgrüße aus Pistolen (1972 – Fortsetzung des Films von 1971) Shaft in Africa (1973 – Fortsetzung des Films von 1971)… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • shaft — [shaft, shäft] n. [ME schaft < OE sceaft, akin to Ger schaft < IE base * (s)kap , to cut with a sharp tool > SHAVE, Gr skapos, rod, L scapus, shaft, stalk] 1. a) the long stem or body of an arrow or spear b) an arrow or spear 2. a… …   English World dictionary

  • shaft|ed — «SHAF tihd, SHAHF », adjective. having a shaft or shafts …   Useful english dictionary

  • shaft — ► NOUN 1) a long, narrow part forming the handle of a tool or club, the body of a spear or arrow, or similar. 2) a ray of light or bolt of lightning. 3) a long, narrow, typically vertical hole giving access to a mine, accommodating a lift, etc.… …   English terms dictionary

  • shaft — A long smooth surfaced bar of metal with a circular (round) cross section. See armature shaft arm shaft auxilliar drive shaft axle shaft balance shaft bevel drive shaft cardan shaft clutch shaft composite propeller shaft …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Shaft — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sur les autres projets Wikimedia : « Shaft », sur le Wiktionnaire (dictionnaire universel) Shaft est à l origine une création littéraire… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • shaft — 01. A cable snapped, and the elevator plunged down the [shaft], killing three people who were trapped inside. 02. The hikers found an old mine [shaft] and decided to explore it. 03. The boat had a bunch of weeds caught around the propeller… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • shaft — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ deep ▪ vertical ▪ narrow ▪ elevator (AmE), lift (BrE) ▪ She almost fell down an elevator shaft …   Collocations dictionary

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