

"Sock" es una expresión que, literalmente, significa acción rápida o violenta, y que se aplicó, especialmente en la época del jazz tradicional y el Swing a una determinada forma de ejecutar los temas, potente y arrolladora (Sock Style).

En este mismo sentido, se aplicaba a las partes más potentes de los temas hot, cuando todos los solistas abordaban el ciclo (chorus) final, llamado por eso sock chorus. Para darle más potencia a esta interpretación, los baterías (Gene Krupa, Chick Webb...) marcaban fuertemente los pulsos débiles (off beats) con uno de los platillos, llamado precisamente sock cymbal (aunque a veces se hacía también con el hi hat).


  • Clayton, Peter & Gammond, Peter: Guia alfabética de los nombres, los lugares y la gente del jazz, Edt. Taurus, Madrid, 1990, ISBN 84-306-0162-7

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  • sock — ► NOUN 1) a knitted garment for the foot and lower part of the leg. 2) an insole. 3) informal a hard blow. ► VERB informal ▪ hit forcefully. ● knock (or blow) someone s socks off Cf. ↑knock …   English terms dictionary

  • sock — sock1 [säk] n. [ME socke < OE socc < L soccus, type of light, low heeled shoe < Gr sukchis, prob. of Phrygian orig.; akin to Avestan haxa , sole of the foot] 1. a light shoe worn by comic characters in ancient Greek and Roman drama 2.… …   English World dictionary

  • Sock — Sock, n. [OE. sock, AS. socc, fr. L. soccus a kind of low heeled, light shoe. Cf. {Sucket}.] 1. The shoe worn by actors of comedy in ancient Greece and Rome, used as a symbol of comedy, or of the comic drama, as distinguished from tragedy, which… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sock — (s[o^]k), v. t. [Perh. shortened fr. sockdolager.] To hurl, drive, or strike violently; often with it as an object. [Prov. or Vulgar] Kipling. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sock — Sock, n. [F. soc, LL. soccus, perhaps of Celtic origin.] A plowshare. Edin. Encyc. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sock in — Sock in, v. t. to cause (an airport) to cease functioning, by severe weather conditions, such as fog or a snowstorm. Used often in the passive; the airport was socked in for two days by a blizzard. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sock it to — ► sock it to informal make a forceful impression on. Main Entry: ↑sock …   English terms dictionary

  • sock — [n/v] hit hard beat, belt, bop, buffet, chop, clout, cuff, ding, nail, paste, punch, slap, smack, smash, soak, whack; concept 189 Ant. tap …   New thesaurus

  • sock|er|oo — «SOK uh ROO», noun. U.S. Slang. a smash hit; smasheroo; socko …   Useful english dictionary

  • sock|et — «SOK iht», noun, verb. –n. 1. a hollow part or piece for receiving and holding something. A candlestick has a socket in which to set a candle. A light bulb is screwed into a socket. 2. a connecting place for electric wires and plugs: »Please plug …   Useful english dictionary

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