

Sporty es un personaje creado por Juan Carlos Ramis a finales de los años 80. Se publicaba en las revistas Mortadelo y SuperMortadelo.

La serie

Sporty es un chico obsesionado por el deporte y en cada historieta practicaba uno diferente. A partir de las Olimpiadas de Barcelona, en que la temática deportiva perderá actualidad, las historietas de Sporty se centrarán menos en esta temática. Lo que si se mantendrá durante toda la trayectoria de la serie serán los personajes secundarios Mamerto, Renata (la novia de Sporty) y el secundario multiusos Mafrune, que al final se convertirá en un personaje fijo, como padre de Renata. Otro rasgo distintivo de esta serie sería el humor absurdo característico de su autor.

Álbumes publicados

  • Sporty - Colección Olé. Ed.B
  • Sporty - Olé n º 4 Ed.B
  • Sporty más tonto imposible - Olé n º 14 Ed.B

Enlaces externos

  • Sporty por Jesús Tanco para Personajes de tebeo, 2005.

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Sporty — may refer to:*Sportsmanship *Casual clothing suitable for sport, or clothing sportingly fashionable or stylish. *Wig Wam, a band with member Sporty on drums. *Melanie Chisholm, Sporty Spice of the Spice Girls music group. *Sporty Thievz, an… …   Wikipedia

  • sporty — 1889, “sportsmanlike;” 1962, “in the style of a sports car,” from SPORT (Cf. sport) (n.) + Y (Cf. y) (2) …   Etymology dictionary

  • sporty — [adj] casual; flashy brazen, flamboyant, flaunting, gaudy, glittering, glittery, glitzy, informal, jazzy*, loud, natty, ornate, showy, snazzy; concepts 401,542,589 …   New thesaurus

  • sporty — ► ADJECTIVE (sportier, sportiest) informal 1) fond of or good at sport. 2) (of clothing) suitable for wearing for sport or for casual use. 3) (of a car) compact and with fast acceleration. DERIVATIVES sportiness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • sporty — [spôrt′ē] adj. sportier, sportiest Informal 1. sporting or sportsmanlike 2. characteristic of a sport or sportsman 3. loud, flashy, or showy, as clothes sportily adv. sportiness n …   English World dictionary

  • sporty — sport|y [ˈspo:ti US ˈspo:rti] adj informal 1.) especially BrE someone who is sporty likes sport and is good at it = ↑athletic 2.) sporty clothes are designed to look attractive in a bright informal way ▪ a sporty jacket and skirt 3.) a sporty car …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • sporty — UK [ˈspɔː(r)tɪ] / US [ˈspɔrtɪ] adjective Word forms sporty : adjective sporty comparative sportier superlative sportiest 1) sporty clothes are designed to be worn for sport or on informal occasions 2) a sporty person likes playing sport and plays …   English dictionary

  • sporty — sport|y [ spɔrti ] adjective 1. ) sporty clothes are designed to be worn for sports or on informal occasions 2. ) a sporty person likes playing sports and plays regularly 3. ) a sporty car looks fast and expensive …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • sporty — [[t]spɔ͟ː(r)ti[/t]] sportier, sportiest 1) ADJ GRADED You can describe a car as sporty when it performs like a racing car but can be driven on normal roads. The steering and braking are exactly what you want from a sporty car. 2) ADJ GRADED… …   English dictionary

  • sporty — adjective a) Favourable to sports Shes perfect for me, as shes both studious and sporty. b) Flashy in appearance. My new car looks sporty but is actually very practical …   Wiktionary

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