Steven Levitsky

Steven Levitsky

Steven Levitsky es un destacado politólogo. Desde mayo de 2008, es profesor titular de las asignaturas de Government y Social Studies en Harvard University. Se especializa en América Latina, y particularmente en Perú y Argentina.



En 1990, Levitsky recibió un B.A. en Ciencias Políticas en Stanford University. En 1999, Levitsky recibió un doctorado en Ciencias Políticas de la UC Berkeley.[1]

Campo académico

Carrera Profesional

Levitsky es profesor asociado de Jonh L. Loeb en la asignatura de Social Sciences en Harvard University desde 2004. También fue profesor asistente en Harvard desde 2000 hasta 2003.[2]

Actualmente, Levitsky se desempeña como consejero de dos organizaciones de estudiantes en Harvard University: la Organización de Harvard para América Latina, y el Proyecto de Harvard para el Desarrollo Sostenible.;[3] y, además, ejerce de Consejo Consultivo de la Asociación Civil POLITAI,[4] dedicada a la investigación en Ciencia Política y Gobierno, conformada por estudiantes de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.[5]


Levitsky es conocido por su trabajo, junto a Lucan Way, sobre los regímenes autoritarios competitivos. Dichos regímenes son tipos de gobierno en el que un solo líder o un solo partido político tiene un dominio total pero que, al menos en teoría, la oposición podría llegar al poder a través de elecciones. Bajo tal sistema, dichos gobernantes autoritarios casi siempre se mantienen en el poder porque controlan y utilizan los medios del Estado para aplastar a la oposición, detener o intimidar a los opositores, controlar los medios de comunicación, o alterar los resultados de las elecciones;[6] La Rusia de Vladimir Putin es considerada un claro ejemplo de este sistema. Levitsky también es un experto en la revolución nicaragüense.

Vida personal

Actualmente, Levitsky vive con su esposa y su hija de cuatro años de edad en Brookline, Massachusetts.

Biografía seleccionada

Artículos de prensa

Forthcoming. “Variation in Institutional Strength: Causes and Implications.” (with María Victoria Murillo). Annual Review of Political Science.

Forthcoming. “Autocracy by Democratic Rules: The Dynamics of Autocratic Coercive Capacity after the Cold War” (with Lucan Way). Communist and Post-Communist Studies.

Forthcoming. “The Life of the Party? Understanding Informal Party Organization in Latin America” (with Flavia Freidenberg). Party Politics.

2007. “Linkage, Leverage and the Post-Communist Divide” (with Lucan A. Way). East European Politics and Societies 27, No. 21: 48-66.

2006. “Organized Labor and Democracy in Latin America” (with Scott Mainwaring). Comparative Politics 39, No. 1 (October): 21-42.

2006. “Linkage versus Leverage: Rethinking the International Dimension of Regime Change” (with Lucan Way). Comparative Politics 38, No. 4 (July): 379-400.

2005. “International Linkage and Democratization” (with Lucan Way). Journal of Democracy. 16, No. 3 (July): 20-34.

2004. “Informal Institutions and Comparative Politics: A Research Agenda” (with Gretchen Helmke). Perspectives on Politics 2, No. 4 (December): 725-740.

2003. “Argentina Weathers the Storm” (with M. Victoria Murillo). Journal of Democracy 14, No. 4 (October): 152-166.

2003. “From Labor Politics to Machine Politics: The Transformation of Party-Union Linkages in Argentine Peronism, 1983-99.” Latin American Research Review 38, No. 3: 3-36. [Also published in Desarrollo Económico (Argentina)]

2003. “Explaining Populist Party Adaptation in Latin America: Environmental and Organizational Determinants of Party Change in Argentina, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela” (with Katrina Burgess). Comparative Political Studies 36, No. 8 (October): 859-880.

2003. “Democracy without Parties? Political Parties and Regime Change in Fujimori's Peru” (with Maxwell Cameron). Latin American Politics and Society 45, No. 3 (Fall): 1-33. [Also published in Instituciones y Desarrollo (Spain)]

2002. “Elections Without Democracy: The Rise of Competitive Authoritarianism” (with Lucan Way). Journal of Democracy 13, No. 2 (April): 51-66. [Also published in Estudios Políticos (Colombia) 24 (July 2004).]

2001. “Organization and Labor-Based Party Adaptation: The Transformation of Argentine Peronism in Comparative Perspective.” World Politics 54, No. 1(October): 27-56.

2001. “Inside the Black Box: Recent Studies of Latin American Party Organizations.” Studies in Comparative International Development 36, No. 2 (summer): 92-110.

2001. “AnOrganized Disorganization: Informal Organization and the Persistence of Local Party Structures in Argentine Peronism.” Journal of Latin American Studies 33, No. 1 (February): 29-66. [Also published in Revista de Ciencias Sociales (Argentina) (October 2001)].

2000. “TheNormalizationof Argentine Politics.” Journal of Democracy 11, No. 2 (April): 56-69.

1999. “Fujimori and Post-Party Politics in Peru.” Journal of Democracy 10, No. 3 (July): 78-92.

1998. “Crisis, Party Adaptation, and Regime Stability in Argentina: The Case of Peronism, 1989-1995.” Party Politics 4, No. 4: 445-470. [Also published in Revista de Ciencias Sociales (Argentina) (September 1997)].

1998. “Between a Shock and a Hard Place: The Dynamics of Labor-Backed Adjustment in Argentina and Poland” (with Lucan Way). Comparative Politics 30, No. 2 (January): 171-192.

1998. “Institutionalization and Peronism: The Case, the Concept, and the Case for Unpacking the Concept.” Party Politics 4, No. 1 (January): 77-92.

1997. “Democracy with Adjectives: Conceptual Innovation in Comparative Research” (with David Collier), World Politics 49, No. 3 (April): 430-51. [Also published in Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica (December 1997), Agora, Buenos Aires (January 1998), and La Politica, Barcelona (October 1998)].

1991. “FSLN Congress: A Cautious First Step.” Journal of Communist Studies 7, No. 4 (December): 539-544.


Forthcoming. Competitive Authoritarianism: The Origins and Evolution of Hybrid Regimes in the Post-Cold War Era (with Lucan A. Way). New York: Cambridge University Press (under advance contract).

2006. Informal Institutions and Democracy: Lessons from Latin America (edited with Gretchen Helmke). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

2005. Argentine Democracy: The Politics of Institutional Weakness (edited with M. Victoria Murillo). University Park: Penn State University Press.

2003. Transforming Labor-Based Parties in Latin America: Argentine Peronism in Comparative Perspective. New York: Cambridge University Press. [Published in Spanish as Transformación del Justicialismo: Del Partido Sindical al Partido Clientelista. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI, 2005]



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