Theater District

Theater District
Five Broadway theatres on West 45th Street

El Distrito de Teatros o el Theater District es un área de Midtown Manhattan donde se encuentra la mayoria de los teatros de Broadway, al igual que otros teatros, cines, restaurantes, hoteles y otros lugares de entretenimiento. Se extiende desde la Calle 40 a la Calle 54, y desde el oeste de la Sexta Avenida al este de la Octava Avenida, e incluye al Times Square.[1] The Great White Way es el nombre dado a la sección de Broadway que pasa por Theater District.

Theatre Row, un área de la Calle 42 desde la Novena Avenida a la Undécima Avenida, en la cual los teatros de Off- y Off-Off-Broadway, pueden ser considerados una extensión de Theater District, aunque oficialmente no forman parte de él.

Véase también


  • Bianco, Anthony (2004). Ghosts of 42nd Street: A History of America's Most Infamous Block. New York: HarperCollins Books, ISBN 0-688-17089-7. A detailed history that focuses primarily of the Times Square Theatre District from the beginning of the 20th Century through its successful revival/restoration in the late 20th Century. Excerpt from


  1. The City of New York defines the "Theatre Subdistrict" for zoning purposes to extend from 40th Street to 57th Street and from Sixth Avenue to Eighth Avenue, with an additional area west of Eighth Avenue from 42nd Street to 45th Street. (See this 2008 city zoning document from the City Plannign Commission, "Special Purpose Districts", especially page 190, "Appendix A, Map 1", and page 127 "81-70 Special Regulations for Theatre Subdistrict".) Probably more appropriate for the purpose of defining the district is this interactive map from the Times Square Alliance, a Business Improvement District organization dedicated to improving the Theatre District. Their definition of the district is an irregular area from 40th Street to 53rd Street from east of Sixth Avenue to west of Eighth Avenue. This area has been extended for the purposes of this article to 54th Street to include Studio 54, which is at the time of this writing (2008) a Broadway theatre.

Coordenadas: 40°4524N 73°5911W / 40.75659, -73.98626

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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