

Timerman puede hacer referencia a:

  • Héctor Marcos Timerman; periodista, político y diplomático argentino. Hijo de Jacobo.
  • Jacobo Timerman, periodista argentino que fue secuestrado, torturado y desaparecido durante la dictadura autodenominada Proceso de Reorganización Nacional.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • TIMERMAN, JACOBO — (1923–1999). Argentinean journalist. Born in the small Ukrainian town of Bar, he migrated to Argentina at the age of five with his family. During the years 1948–50 Timerman was a member of the editorial board of Nueva Sion, a Socialist Zionist… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Timerman, Jacobo — (1923–1999)    Argentine journalist. Born in Ukraine, he fled with his family to Argentina in 1928 to escape persecution against Jews. In his twenties Timerman began work as a journalist in Buenos Aires for publications such as El Mundo and La… …   Historical Dictionary of the “Dirty Wars”

  • Timerman, Jacobo — ▪ 2000       Argentine journalist (b. Jan. 6, 1923, Bar, Ukrainian S.S.R., U.S.S.R. d. Nov. 11, 1999, Buenos Aires, Arg.), exposed the Argentine military s “dirty war,” in which thousands of political dissidents and intellectuals were killed, by… …   Universalium

  • Timerman, Jacobo — (b. 1923)    Argentinian writer. Timerman was born in Russia, but emigrated with his parents to Argentina in 1928. He worked as a journalist and founded the political newspaper La Opinion in 1971. He was well known as an ardent campaigner for… …   Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament

  • Timerman — Jacobo ben Nathan Timmerman (* 6. Januar 1923; † 11. November 1999) war ein argentinischer Verleger, Journalist und Autor. Während der 70er Jahre brachte Timmerman eine Zeitung heraus, die sich den durch die Regierung begangenen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Timerman, Jacobo — (b. 1923)    Argentine journalist. He was born in Russia, and went to Argentina in 1942. He became a political journalist and founded La opinion in Buenos Aires. His Prisoner Without a Name, Cell Without a Number explores anti Semitism in… …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Jacobo Timerman — Nacimiento 6 de enero de 1923 Bar,  Ucrania …   Wikipedia Español

  • Jacobo Timerman — (January 6, 1923 – November 11, 1999) was a publisher, journalist, and author. Born in Bar, Ukraine, Timerman and his family emigrated to Argentina in 1928. Life and imprisonment in ArgentinaIn the decade of the 1960s, Timerman established… …   Wikipedia

  • Jacobo Timerman — (6 janvier 1923 11 novembre 1999) est un éditeur, journaliste, et écrivain argentin. Il fonda en 1971 La Opinión, un journal centriste qui comptait alors parmi les meilleurs journalistes de l époque. Séquestré en avril 1977 par la junte, l… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Héctor Timerman — 196º Canciller – Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Argentina Actualmente en el cargo Desde el 22 de junio de 2010 …   Wikipedia Español

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