USS Guam

USS Guam

Tres buques de la Armada de los Estados Unidos han recibido el nombre USS Guam.

  • El USS Guam (PG-43) fue un patrullero cañonero en China, rebautizado como Wake en enero de 1941 y en diciembre se convirtió en el único barco estadounidense en ser capturado por los japoneses.
  • El USS Guam (CB-2) fue un crucero de la clase Alaska en servicio desde 1944 hasta 1947.
  • El USS Guam (LPH-9) fue un buque de asalto anfibio de la clase Iwo Jima en servicio desde 1965 hasta 1998.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • USS Guam (CB-2) — Geschichte Kiellegung 2. Februar 1942 Stapellauf 2. November 1943 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • USS Guam — war der Name mehrerer Schiffe der US Marine, die nach der Insel Guam benannt wurden: USS Guam (PG 43) USS Guam (CB 2) USS Guam (LPH 9) Kategorie: Schiffsname der United States Navy …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • USS Guam (CB-2) — was an Alaska class large cruiser which served with the United States Navy during the end of World War II. She was the second and last ship of her class to be completed. Guam was the second ship of the United States Navy to be named after the… …   Wikipedia

  • USS Guam — Three vessels of the United States Navy have been named USS Guam , after the island of Guam.* The first USS|Guam|PG 43|3 was a patrol gunboat in China, renamed Wake in January 1941 and in December becoming the only American ship ever to be… …   Wikipedia

  • USS Guam (LPH-9) — Para otros buques con el mismo nombre, véase USS Guam. USS Guam (LPH 9) El USS Guam zarpando del puerto de Norfolk, 23 de agosto de 1990. Banderas …   Wikipedia Español

  • USS Guam (LPH-9) — The USS Guam (LPH 9), an I wo Jima class amphibious assault ship, was laid down by the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard 15 November 1962; launched 22 August 1964; sponsored by Mrs. Vaughn H. Emory Green; and commissioned 16 January 1965, Captain N. E …   Wikipedia

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  • USS Langley (CVL-27) — und andere Schiffe ihrer Task Group, 2. Dezember 1944 Geschichte Bestellung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • USS Ammen (DD-527) — USS Ammen (DD 527), a sclass|Fletcher|destroyer, was the second ship of the United States Navy to be named for Rear Admiral Daniel Ammen (1820 ndash;1898). Ammen was laid down on 29 November 1941 at San Francisco, California, by the Bethlehem… …   Wikipedia

  • USS Wake (PR-3) — was a United States Navy river gunboat seized by Japan on December 8, 1941. She was originally commissioned Guam (PG 43). This designation was changed to PR 3 in 1928, and the name changed to Wake in 1941.She was launched on May 28, 1927 as Guam… …   Wikipedia

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