Baseball Reference

Baseball Reference

Baseball Reference

Baseball Reference es un sitio Web que recopila estadísticas completas sobre equipos, jugadores, series y campeonatos de béisbol. Su información se actualiza con poca frecuencia, de manera que no es apropiado buscar allí las últimas informaciones sobre un jugador. En cambio, contiene información detallada sobre cada jugador, desde sus inicios.

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Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Baseball Reference — es un sitio Web que colecciona las estadísticas completas sobre equipos, jugadores, series y campeonatos de Béisbol. Su información se actualiza con poca frecuencia, de manera que no es apropiado buscar allí las últimas informaciones sobre un… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Baseball-Reference — Infobox Website name = Baseball Reference caption = url = http://baseball commercial = type = Baseball registration = owner = Sports Reference LLC author = Sean Forman developer = Sean Forman operating system = Linux launch date =… …   Wikipedia

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  • Baseball's Sad Lexicon — also known as Tinker to Evers to Chance after its refrain, is a 1910 baseball poem by Franklin Pierce Adams. The poem is presented as a single, rueful stanza from the point of view of a New York Giants fan seeing the talented Chicago Cubs infiel …   Wikipedia

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  • Baseball in Ireland — Baseball Ireland is the governing body of baseball in Ireland (covering both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland).Although the existence of baseball in Ireland is not widely known, the game has been played there since the early 1990s.… …   Wikipedia

  • Baseball — sport imagesize=300px caption=A view of the playing field at Wrigley Field, Chicago, Illinois union= nickname= first= 1755 in London [ [ America s pastime really English? Earliest reference… …   Wikipedia

  • Baseball awards — Professional baseball leagues and amateur baseball organizations around the world, various sportswriting associations, and other interested groups confer awards on various baseball teams, players, managers, coaches, executives, broadcasters, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Baseball statistics — Statistics play an important role in summarizing baseball performance and evaluating players in the sport. Since the flow of baseball has natural breaks to it, the game lends itself to easy record keeping and statistics. This makes comparisons… …   Wikipedia

  • Baseball in Mexiko — Meisterschaftspokal der LMB (bis 2008) seit 2009 La Copa de Zaachila Baseball (span. Béisbol) ist eine sehr beliebte Sportart in Mexiko. Die Ursprünge des Sports in Mexiko gehen zurück auf das 19. Jahrhundert. In den 70er Jahren fand der Sport… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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