


Departamento La Capital (San Luis - Argentina).png
País Bandera de Argentina Argentina
• Provincia San Luis
• Departamento La Capital
• Municipio Beazley
Ubicación 33°4500S 66°3900O / -33.75, -66.6533°4500S 66°3900O / -33.75, -66.65
• Altitud 401 msnm
Población 803 hab. (INDEC, 2001)
• Crec.intercensal -1,7 % (1991-2001) %
Código postal D5721
Preftelefónico 02652
Intendente Oscar Eduardo Guiñazú (PJ)
Información oficial IFAM SLU008

Beazley es una localidad del departamento La Capital, provincia de San Luis, Argentina.

Ubicada en el km 183 de la Ruta Nacional 146 en su intersección con la Ruta Provincial 11, unos 65 km al sudoeste de la capital provincial. se encuentra sobre las vías del Ferrocarril General San Martín.


Contaba con 803 habitantes (INDEC, 2001), lo que representa un descenso del 1,7% frente a los 817 habitantes (INDEC, 1991) del censo anterior.

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Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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  • Beazley —   [ biːzlɪ], Sir (seit 1949) John Davidson, britischer Archäologe, * Glasgow 13. 9. 1885, ✝ Oxford 6. 5. 1970; Professor in Oxford (1925 56). Durch stilistisch graphologische Vergleiche erreichte er eine systematische Ordnung in der figürlich… …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • Beazley Group — plc (lse|BEZ) is a specialist risk insurance and re insurance business operating through specific Lloyds syndicates. Established in 1986, the company is a constituent of the FTSE 250 Index. The Chairman is Jonathan Agnew and the Chief Executive… …   Wikipedia

  • Beazley Institute for Health Law and Policy — The Beazley Institute for Health Law and Policy was created by Loyola University Chicago School of Law in 1984 response to the need for an academic forum to study the burgeoning field of health law and to foster a dialogue between the legal and… …   Wikipedia

  • Beazley Medal — The Beazley Medal is an award made by the Curriculum Council of Western Australia to the year twelve secondary student with the highest Curriculum Council award score. The award is the highest profile and most prestigious academic award for… …   Wikipedia

  • Beazley End — infobox UK place country = England static static image caption= latitude= 51.93 longitude=00.52 official name =Beazley End population = shire district= shire county= Essex region= East of England constituency westminster= post town= postcode… …   Wikipedia

  • Beazley — /ˈbizli/ (say beezlee) noun Kim Christian, born 1948, Australian federal Labor politician; leader of the opposition 1996–2001, 2005–06 …  

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