


BitLet es una pequeña pero eficiente aplicación web Java que permite descargar archivos BitTorrent, sin necesidad de descargar programas adicionales. Actualmente solo está disponible en inglés.

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Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • BitLet — Infobox Software name = BitLet caption = developer = Daniele Castagna released = latest release version = latest release date = programming language = Java operating system = Cross platform language = English genre = Peer to peer license = Closed …   Wikipedia

  • Comparison of BitTorrent clients — BitTorrent client redirects here. For the client created by Bram Cohen, see BitTorrent (software). A BitTorrent client is a computer program that manages downloads and uploads using the BitTorrent protocol. The first client, known as BitTorrent,… …   Wikipedia

  • BitTorrent — Эта статья о протоколе. Статья о клиенте: BitTorrent (программа). BitTórrent (букв. англ.  «битовый поток»)  пиринговый (P2P) сетевой протокол для кооперативного обмена файлами через Интернет. Файлы передаются частями, каждый torrent… …   Википедия

  • Comparison of BitTorrent sites — There are many different BitTorrent websites, each providing information about files distributed via the BitTorrent protocol. They typically contain multiple torrent files and an index of those files. In a typical scenario, a user would enter… …   Wikipedia

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