Bit Error Ratio

Bit Error Ratio

Bit Error Ratio

Bit Error Ratio (BER) es, en telecomunicaciones, el número de bits o bloques incorrectamente recibidos, con respecto al total de bits o bloques enviados durante un intervalo especificado de tiempo.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Bit error ratio — In telecommunication, an error ratio is the ratio of the number of bits, elements, characters, or blocks incorrectly received to the total number of bits, elements, characters, or blocks sent during a specified time interval.The most commonly… …   Wikipedia

  • bit error ratio — klaidingų bitų dažnis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. bit error rate; bit error ratio vok. Bitfehlerrate, f rus. частота ошибок битов, f pranc. taux d erreur, m …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Bit Error Ratio — Taux d erreur Le taux d erreur ou B.E.R., abréviation de l expression anglaise Bit Error Rate, désigne une valeur relative au taux d erreur mesuré à la réception d une transmission numérique, relative au niveau d atténuation et/ou de perturbation …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Bit error ratio — Taux d erreur Le taux d erreur ou B.E.R., abréviation de l expression anglaise Bit Error Rate, désigne une valeur relative au taux d erreur mesuré à la réception d une transmission numérique, relative au niveau d atténuation et/ou de perturbation …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Pseudo bit error ratio — (PBER) in adaptive high frequency (HF) radio, is a bit error ratio derived by a majority decoder that processes redundant transmissions. Note: In adaptive HF radio automatic link establishment, PBER is determined by the extent of error correction …   Wikipedia

  • Bit error — In telecommunication, Bit error indicates the number of bits of a data stream over a communication channel that have been altered by noise. Commonly notated as bit error ratio (BER), the ratio of the number of failed bits to the total number of… …   Wikipedia

  • bit error rate — klaidingų bitų dažnis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. bit error rate; bit error ratio vok. Bitfehlerrate, f rus. частота ошибок битов, f pranc. taux d erreur, m …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Bit Error Rate Test — BERT or Bit Error Rate Test is a testing method for digital communication circuits that uses predetermined stress patterns comprising of a sequence of logical ones and zeros generated by a pseudorandom binary sequence. A BERT Tester typically… …   Wikipedia

  • bit error rate — (Telecommunications) ratio of bits received with errors to the total number of bits transmitted (expressed as a fraction or percent), BER …   English contemporary dictionary

  • error rate —    In communications, the ratio between the number of bits received incorrectly and the total number of bits in the transmission, also known as bit error rate (BER).    Some methods for determining error rate use larger or logical units, such as… …   Dictionary of networking

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