


Género Misterio
Creado por Graham Yost
Reparto Gary Basaraba
Jason Gedrick
Neal McDonough
Lana Parrilla
País de origen Bandera de los Estados Unidos Estados Unidos
Duración 45 minutos aprox.
Idioma/s Inglés
Temporadas 2
Episodios 24
Cadena original NBC
Fechas de
26 de septiembre de 2002 - a
28 de diciembre de 2003

Boomtown es una serie Television de Misterio producida por NBC y creada por Graham Yost, que dio su primera emision el 26 de septiembre de 2002 y finalizo el 28 de diciembre de 2003.


Cada capitulo de esta serie, examina un delito desde diferentes puntos de vista y aparecen constante mente en la serie, los policías uniformados, los detectives, los testigos, los medios de comunicación y la brigada de rescate, incluso los propios delincuentes.

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Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Boomtown — Titre original Boomtown Genre Série policière Créateur(s) Graham Yost Pays d’origine  États Unis …   Wikipédia en Français

  • boomtown — UK US (also boom town) /ˈbuːmtaʊn/ noun [C] ► ECONOMICS a town or city that experiences a sudden increase in size and business activity: »In many of India s boomtowns, a car is an important part of the middle class dream, a symbol of status and… …   Financial and business terms

  • boomtown — [bo͞om′toun΄] n. a town that has sprung up or expanded rapidly as a result of an economic boom: also boom town * * * boom·town (bo͞omʹtoun ) n. A town experiencing an economic or a population boom. * * * …   Universalium

  • boomtown — [bo͞om′toun΄] n. a town that has sprung up or expanded rapidly as a result of an economic boom: also boom town …   English World dictionary

  • Boomtown — A boomtown is a community that experiences sudden and rapid population and economic growth. The growth is normally attributed to the nearby discovery of a precious resource such as gold, silver, or oil, although the term can also be applied to… …   Wikipedia

  • Boomtown — Unter Boomtown (von amerikan. engl. to boom = sich schnell aufwärts entwickeln) versteht man eine Stadt, die aufgrund besonderer wirtschaftlicher Ereignisse oder politischer Umstände sehr schnell groß wird (oder aufgrund dessen überhaupt erst… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • boomtown — noun A town that experienced (or is experiencing) a period of rapid growth due to some temporary activity. The mining boomtown she remembered, was now a ghost town …   Wiktionary

  • Boomtown (1956 TV series) — Boomtown was a weekend children s show on WBZ TV in Boston, Massachusetts that ran from 1956 through 1974. Boomtown was hosted by Rex Trailer, a singing cowboy. Rex rode his horse Goldrush onto the western themed Boomtown studio set for several… …   Wikipedia

  • Boomtown Records — is an independent record label founded in October 2002 and based in Melbourne, Australia. History Label Director Jaddan Comerford started Boomtown when he was 18, after being inspired by thriving independent labels like Epitaph Records. After… …   Wikipedia

  • Boomtown (community) — Boomtown is a multinational gaming community as well as Internet cafe originally started in Denmark. They have since expanded to other countries, including England and Sweden, and have plans for expanding to Kuwait and the United Arab… …   Wikipedia

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