Camera Work

Camera Work

Camera Work

Camera Work revista trimestral editada y publicada por Alfred Stieglitz desde 1902 a 1917. Fue la revista oficial del grupo de la Photo-secession y recogía las últimas tendencias artísticas de la época, especialmente en lo referente a fotografía, así como reflexiones estéticas y técnicas y contestaciones a las críticas recibidas. En ella escribieron multitud de los artistas pictorialistas y vanguardistas del momento explicando y defendiendo la novedad conceptual emergente en el principio del siglo XX.

En sus últimos números, en 1917 publicó algunos trabajos, entre los que se destaca Paul Strand, precursor de los movimientos de Fotografía directa de los años 1930. La inclusión de Strand representaba la ruptura con los temas y procedimientos del Pictorialismo, en especial la manipulación del positivo y el reconocimiento del valor estético de los objetos cotidianos.

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Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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  • Camera Work — was a quarterly photographic journal published by Alfred Stieglitz from 1903 to 1917 that was known for its high quality reproductions and its effort to establish photography as a fine art.After editing American Amateur Photographer from 1893… …   Wikipedia

  • Camera Work — Pays États Unis Langue Anglais Périodicité Trimestrielle Genre Photographie Fondateur Alfred Stieglitz Date de fondation 1903 Date du dernier numéro …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Camera Work — Cover von Camera Work, 2, 1903, gestaltet von Edward Steichen. Camera Work war ein vierteljährlich erscheinendes Magazin für Fotografie. Die unabhängige Künstlerzeitschrift wurde 1903 von dem amerikanischen Fotografen und Galeristen Alfred… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • camera work — n. use of cameras …   English contemporary dictionary

  • work — I. noun Etymology: Middle English werk, work, from Old English werc, weorc; akin to Old High German werc work, Greek ergon, Avestan varəzem activity Date: before 12th century 1. activity in which one exerts strength or faculties to do or perform… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Camera (magazine) — Camera was a photography review that began its life in Lucerne, Switzerland, later distributed in many countries and languages. The magazine grew to its greatest international influence towards in latter half of its life of sixty years; on the… …   Wikipedia

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  • Camera Three — was a Sunday morning program devoted to the arts. It ran on CBS from 1956 to 1979, and moved to PBS in its final year to make way for the then new CBS News Sunday Morning . Camera Three featured programs showcasing drama, ballet, art, music,… …   Wikipedia

  • Camera — For other uses, see Camera (disambiguation). Various cameras A camera is a device that records and stores images. These images may be still photographs or moving images such as videos or movies. The term camera comes from the camera obscura… …   Wikipedia

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