

Conlang es el nombre de una lista de correo electrónico dedicada a la discusión de idiomas artificiales de todo tipo (con la notable excepción de idiomas auxiliares tales como el el esperanto) y de lingüística en general. La lista conlang es una comunidad establecida con cerca de 600 miembros, incluyendo varios colaboradores regulares con un alto volumen de producción, y que incluye tanto a lingüistas profesionales como a aficionados. Sus archivos se localizan en un servidor en la Brown University.

La lista fue pionera en la utilización y popularización del término conlang (constructed language) usado incluso en español para referirse a los idiomas artificiales.

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Conlang — es el nombre de una lista de correo electrónico dedicada a la discusión de idiomas artificiales de todo tipo (con la notable excepción del procelitismo de idiomas auxiliares tales como el el esperanto) y de lingüística en general. La lista… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Conlang X-SAMPA — CXS (an acronym standing for CONLANG X SAMPA, where CONLANG stands for the Conlang Mailing List) is an unofficial extension of the Extended Speech Assessment Methods Phonetic Alphabet (X SAMPA) that is used by members of the Conlang Mailing List… …   Wikipedia

  • Conlang XSAMPA — CXS (an acronym standing for CONLANG eXtended SAMPA (SAMPA= Speech Assessment Methods Phonetic Alphabet ), where CONLANG in turn stands for the Conlang Mailing List) is an unofficial extension of the Extended Speech Assessment Methods Phonetic… …   Wikipedia

  • Conlang — Konstruierte Sprachen oder künstliche Sprachen sind Sprachen, die von einer Person oder einer Gruppe aus verschiedenen Gründen und zu verschiedenen Zwecken neu entwickelt wurden. Sie stehen im Gegensatz zu den natürlichen Sprachen. Die allgemeine …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • conlang — noun A constructed language; a language that has been artificially constructed, such as Esperanto, Quenya or Klingon Syn: artificial language, constructed language …   Wiktionary

  • Constructed language — This article is about the creation of planned or artificial natural languages. For information about the linguistic field of language planning and policy, see language planning. Artificial language redirects here. For non natural languages, see… …   Wikipedia

  • Artistic language — An artistic language (artlang) is a constructed language designed for aesthetic pleasure. Unlike engineered languages or auxiliary languages, artistic languages usually have irregular grammar systems, much like natural languages. Many are… …   Wikipedia

  • International auxiliary language — An international auxiliary language (sometimes abbreviated as IAL or auxlang) or interlanguage is a language meant for communication between people from different nations who do not share a common native language. An auxiliary language is… …   Wikipedia

  • Language Creation Conference — The Language Creation Conference (LCC) is an annual conference about conlanging, organized by the Language Creation Society (LCS). It focuses primarily on the process of creating new languages, but also features talks that focus on features of… …   Wikipedia

  • Portal:Constructed languages — Wikipedia portals: Culture Geography Health History Mathematics Natural sciences People Philosophy Religion Society Technology …   Wikipedia

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